Re: [czernowitz-l] Bugdanstowka on Jezerna

From: David Glynn <>
Date: Mon, 3 Jan 2022 19:59:56 +0000
Reply-To: David Glynn <>
To: Daniel Dubowy <>, "Czernowitz-L_at_cornell" <>, Czernowitz Discussion Group <>


I know a bit of Russian, but no Polish.  From Google Translate it seems
that "obszar" translates as "area".  I can't tell you any shades of
meaning here.

In Russian, "dvorets" means a palace or mansion, while "dvor" means a
yard or courtyard.  Experimenting with Google Translate, it seems that
these two meanings apply in Polish for the word "dwor".  The ending
"ski" seems to make it an adjective.

So, "obszar dworski" would appear to mean some sort of palace area, or
yard area.

I am hoping this may be of some help - and that one of our group might
know more about Poland and be able to advise you better than I can!


On 03/01/2022 19:22, Daniel Dubowy wrote:
> Hi Czernowitzers, I trust you had a well-deserved holiday break and
> are all well.
> I am going through my father’s genealogical notes. He was born and
> raised in Czernowitz, but his grandfather was born, lived and died
> somewhere else in Galitia.
> My great grandfather, Gedalje Dubowy, was a land administrator of
> Kozowa estate, in Dilkowce near Zalowiec. None of these place names
> can be found nowadays just by google-ing them, but I don’t mind.
> He passed away in 1911 at Obszar Dworski Bugdanstowka on Jezerna.
> Obszar Dworski seems to simply be “township” in Polish, so as you may
> have guessed, I cannot find/identify Bugdanstowka either. This is
> something I’d like to find though.
> Can anyone help me with hints, advice?
> Thanks,
> Daniel
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