Re: [czernowitz-l] Czernowitz Marriages

From: Benjamin Grilj <>
Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2022 19:57:05 +0200
To: Berti Glaubach <>
Reply-To: Benjamin Grilj <>

Dear Berti,
until 1938 ordinary marriage in todays Austria was recorded at the religious communities- there were only a few civilian. WW I changed a lot in the successor states, because some changed too a civilian system, others not. Bukowina was a little different because of the 1893 registration law (so even long before WW I)… so, to quote the former Austrian chancellor: everything is a little complicate ;)
But if a marriage was recorded, it was official.
Best, b

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> Am 25.07.2022 um 13:58 schrieb Berti Glaubach <>:
> It has nothing to do with WWI. Many years before Jewish religious marriages were also legitimized, at their own request to civilian ones and this forf various practical reasons.
> Mostly legitimizing the parenthood of the father.of their children.
>> On Mon, Jul 25, 2022 at 4:43 AM Benjamin Grilj <> wrote:
>> Dear Les,
>> official marriage was done by official clergy - for Jewish marriages this means all rabbis from communities wich were member of the „Israelitische Kultusgemeinde“ (IKG -Jewish Community Organization). The big synagogues like the old, or the temple were members, but many small, especially chassidic were not. But they were not registered in the Matrikenbüchern (official register). So if you have a marriage record, it is official!
>> Best, Benjamin (Institute for Jewish History in Austria)
>> send by my iPhone
>>>> Am 24.07.2022 um 16:37 schrieb
>>>  I found a marriage record for my great grandparents in Czernowitz from 1918. This was just after the war was over. My great grandfather Meschulim Fuhrman was 63 years old then and this would have to be some sort of official remarriage. My grandmother was already 30 years old at this point.
>>> I know that the Austrian authorities did not recognize marriages performed by rabbis.
>>> Was this a common practice to legitimize marriages after the war ?
>>> Thanks for any help
>>> Les Gluck
>>> Sent from the all new AOL app for iOS
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> Wo Es war, soll Ich sein.

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