Dear Mr. Grilj,
Since my response message bounced from the listserv because the image of
Jakob Brunstein's death entry was too large, I'm resending my message (see
below) without the attachment because I think my question could be helpful
for others.
With Regards,
Glen Covert
Glen W. Covert Professional Genealogist
Göschlgasse 12/19
A1030 Vienna
On Mon, Jul 25, 2022 at 7:01 PM Glen W. Covert <> wrote:
> Dear Mr. Grilj,
> Thank you for your quick reply.
> Attached is Jakob Brunstein's death entry (see line 2026). Since nothing
> seems to indicate his remains were transferred, are we to understand that
> his wishes were not carried out? I ask because the Jewish Cemetery has not
> responded to my inquiry about this precise detail.
> With Regards,
> Glen Covert
> ---------
> Glen W. Covert Professional Genealogist
> Göschlgasse 12/19
> A1030 Vienna
> Austria
> On Mon, Jul 25, 2022 at 6:35 PM Benjamin Grilj <>
> wrote:
>> Sehr geehrte Frau Bartz,
>> werter Herr Covert,
>> Sorry - ich hab die Mails durcheinander gebracht am Telefon.
>> Eine Umbettung muss entweder in der Sterbematrik oder im Friedhofsbuch
>> des CF verzeichnet sein. Beide Bücher sind im Archiv der IKG Wien.
>> Beste Grüße, Benjamin
>> Short version in english: the wanted Infos has to be in the death records
>> or cemetery books - both still available at the archives of the Jewish
>> Community Vienna.
>> Best, b
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Received on 2022-07-25 18:44:05