Re: [czernowitz-l] Location of the remains of Jakob Brunstein (+1916, Vienna)

From: Benjamin Grilj <>
Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2022 18:25:08 +0200
To: "Glen W. Covert" <>
Reply-To: Benjamin Grilj <>

Sehr geehrte Frau Bartz,
werter Herr Covert,

Haben Sie schon die Seite des jüdischen Museums Meran durchsucht? Frau Mayr, Herr Innerhofer und sein Team leisten großartige Arbeit zur jüdischen Geschichte Südtirols (und weit darüber hinaus)

Beste Grüße,
Benjamin (Institut für jüdische Geschichte Österreichs)

Short version in Englisch:
for Jewish History of Southern Tyrol the Team Mayr/Innerhofer did amazing work and collected all in databases cf Link.
Best, b

send by my iPhone

> Am 25.07.2022 um 14:00 schrieb Glen W. Covert <>:
> Dear All,
> I'm writing on behalf of a client of mine, Ms. Bartz, who's cc'd on this message. Her mother tongue is German, so she's asked me to assist her with the language barrier.
> Her question: Does anyone know if the remains of Jakob Brunstein (1836, Czerowitz - 1916, Vienna) were transferred from the Jewish Cemetery at Vienna's Central Cemetery to the cemetery at Radautz after World War One?
> When he died in 1916, Jakob was buried in the Jewish Cemetery, but in his will and last testament, he specifically requested for his remains to be transported to Radautz for reburial after the end of the war (whenever that would be). We have already reached out to the Jewish Cemetery's administration as well as the administrator of the cemetery at Radautz, but their responses or lack there of leave the question unanswered. A multi-year attempt to gain access to the old cemetery in Radautz was effectively denied.
> With Regards,
> Glen Covert
> ---------
> Glen W. Covert Professional Genealogist
> Göschlgasse 12/19
> A1030 Vienna
> Austria
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