Re: [EXTERNAL] [czernowitz-l] Czernowtiz Past and Present

From: Boris Briker <>
Date: Fri, 20 May 2022 15:13:45 +0000
To: Ilana Gordon <>
Reply-To: Boris Briker <>

Thank you, dear Ilana. With your permission I will share this with some Chernivtsi groups on Facebook, specifically to Sergei Vorontsov, who has been working a lot on Popovic legacy.

Thanks again,

From: <> on behalf of Ilana Gordon <>
Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2022 3:24 PM
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [czernowitz-l] Czernowtiz Past and Present

Hello Members of the Ehpes group,

In 2009 my husband Scott, sister Stella Acher, nephew Stuart Acher and I were privileged to be part of the ceremony honoring Traian Popovici. My lifelong dream of seeing Czernowitz combined with honoring this courageous man was life changing for all of us. If not for Traian we would not be here to tell the story because my mother and grandparents were recipients of his special papers issued to Jews during his tenure as mayor.

During that trip, we also had an opportunity to witness the horrible legacy of the Russian influence both past and present while in pursuit of information about my grandfather, Gustav Gedaly, who was sent to Siberia in 1944 under trumped up charges.

We left CZ with a feeling of accomplishment and tremendous responsibility to bear witness and honor this man who saved approximately 20,000 Jewish inhabitants of the city. We had two goals, to present the heroic actions of Traian Popovici to the world and find out what happened to my grandfather. We decided we needed to document Popovici's heroic actions and share them with the world and Stuart, an accomplished filmmaker, was able to film our entire experience.

Since 2009 we have been cultivating our projects. The first part of our mission has been accomplished. We cannot wait any longer to publicize the heroic actions of Traian Popovici on behalf of the Jews of Czernowitz. Since Genocide is being conducted in Ukraine and elsewhere in the world, Popovici’s courageous deeds are more relevant than ever.

We invite you to comment on our efforts. It is our intention that this short movie will be shown in Holocaust Museums, synagogues, churches and schools as a statement against genocide in the world today. Please tell us what you think before we put it out to the wider world.<>

The second part of our project is still a work in progress—a documentary that includes interviews with some members of the Ephes list who we interviewed when we were in Israel.

Best regards – Ilana and Scott Gordon

Ilana Gordon
Word Wizards, Inc
8609 2nd Avenue, Unit 406-B
Silver Spring, MD 20910
v.301-986-0808 fax.301-986-0809
Direct: 240-380-2639<>
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