Re: [czernowitz-l] Post on the Joseph Lang mosaic mural

From: iosif vaisman <>
Date: Tue, 8 Mar 2022 21:14:15 -0500
To: Mark Auslander <>
Reply-To: iosif vaisman <>

Hi Mark,

thank you for posting this on your blog! A couple of corrections:

The technique is maiolica, not mosaic mural. The tiles were
manufactured by Zsolnay (, one
of Europe's (and world's) top makers of architectural ceramics.

The Bukovina figure is not on the far left. She is fourth from the
left, wearing a white himation with the Bukovina coat of arms on her
breast (a large photo where all the details can be clearly seen is
here -
The figure in orange chiton behind her symbolizes the House of
Habsburg. His sword of state is the symbol of imperial power and
honor. The wings symbolize protection and triumph.

South Bukovina (not West) is currently in Romania.


On Tue, Mar 8, 2022 at 3:28 PM Mark Auslander <> wrote:
> Colleagues,
> Inspired by Tetyana Dugaeva’s new Facebook home page, I just posted on Joseph Lang’s striking mosaic mural on the facade of the city art museum:
> I’d be grateful to all of you for any corrections or further interpretations of the mural and why it is so resonant at this moment of peril.
> warm regards,
> Mark
> Mark Auslander
> Concord, MA
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