For a long time, I have been trying to find information about my grandfather Robert Oling’s World War I military experience. Robert was born in Zablotow in 1881. He lived in Czernowitz from the early 1900s until about 1919.
I have not found military records for Robert in the archives in Vienna, nor in the Ukrainian archives.
However, I recently received a bundle of papers in which Robert gave the following details of his military service:
1903 - 16 months active service in Austrian army in Czernowitz
1914 to 1917 - served in the Czernowitz 41st Infantry Regiment
1917 to 1919 - in Russian captivity
1919 - released back to Czernowitz
I am looking for information about the 41st Infantry Regiment (named Erzherzog Eugen K und K Infanterieregiment), particularly:
any information about the movements of the Regiment during World War I
any information about the Regiment’s captivity in Russia during and after World War I
I wonder if list members have information about grandfathers and great-grandfathers who fought in World War I. If anyone knows of the existence in archives of the Czernowitz military records, I would be pleased to know where they are located.
Does anyone know of good on-line sources that deal specifically with this Regiment?
Best wishes
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