Jeanne Blitzer Andelman's Page

I've been wanting to contribute the attached photo of my father, Adolph Blitzer, and his brother Shabse, taken (I think) about 1908.  This appears in a book I've been writing (chapter 2) on the internet since February, 2001 called THE TAILOR SHOP, THREADS OF OUR PAST:  --an historical review of my families: REITER AND BLITZER.

My father loved Czernowitz in every way.  He attended the operas, sitting in the student section, brought his treasured book collection to America that he purchased in this "sophisticated" city.

The picture shown is Adolph (about age 19) and his younger brother Shabse about 16, (wanted to be a boxer). Message on the reverse side says "greetings from Czernovitz--"24/9" (no year). I am guessing it's about 5 years earlier, c1908 (emigrated to USA 1913).  Adolph had apprenticed at Fischel Reiter's tailor shop from about the age of 9-14 years, at which time he left, seeking work in a larger city.

I would be pleased to have you visit my 'reitblitzer website' and to look at "The Tailor Shop, Threads of Our Past".

Jeanne Blitzer Andelman