1. Bernhard Baltinester (1833 - 1900) - since 1870 accepts active participation in a public life of city, was within 30 years a member of the municipality, responsible for connections the Jewish community with the press. On June, 19, 1900 at session of city have given a rank of the honourable citizen of city, and have decided to name one of streets his name. Has died on August, 1 1900 and has been buried with military honours.
2. Bernhard Fleminger, accepted active participation in creation of the Jewish hospital and a shelter for pensioners and other institutes. Was a member of municipality from the Jewish party. During the first World war rescues the Jewish refugees from Bukovina. After the ending of war comes back to Chernovtsy, is engaged in reorganization of the Jewish national party, is the founder of the newspaper "Ostiidishe tcaitung ". Has been elected by vice-president of a chamber of commerce.
3. Markus Kampelmaher (1833 - 1903), in 1883 became a member of council of the Jewish community, and in 1889 became a member of municipality.
4. Aba Shtainer (? ? 1885) the founder of a credit society of trade and crafts. A member of municipality, a member of council of trading and craft chamber and the first president. The adviser of a chamber of commerce and the censor of austro-hungarian bank. Has died in the age of 63 years and the most part of the property bequeathed to the charitable organizations. One of streets of city has been named his name.
5. Wilhelm Titinger (1852 - 1932) - director of bank and director of savings bank of Bukovina, the president of chamber of trade and crafts.
6. Dr. Nojman Vender (1865-?) - since 1909 the member Bukovin municipality, was one of initiators of creation of power station and construction of houses on the Theatrical area. Supervised over service on check of foodstuff, the head of the Jewish community.
7. Dr. Maks Fokshaner (1862 - 1926) one of the best lawyers of Bukovina. Was chairman of association of lawyers of city. Was chairman Tojnbihalle.
8. Burg Iosif Kunovich (1912). The world famous Jewish
writer, lives and works in Chernovtsy.
Archival searches have carried out: Moishe Kotliar
and Maks Shikler
On November, 25, 2003.