Czernowitz Photos from Mimi Taylor - Page 3

Cecina -1926

Cecina, 1939. When life was still good - Mimi, Regina Weber, Jusiu and
Blickstein and Ruta Reifer (added Oct.04 2010)

Cecina - from left: Mina Blickstein, Ruta Reifer, Jusiu Blickstein,
man (added Oct.4 2010)

Cecina - Maria and Mimi (added Oct.4 2010)

Cecina: Esperanto club (added Oct.4 2010)
Cecina Ausflug 1926" was photographed on the 5th of Sept. 1926.
I believe the three women in the upper row were sister or cousins
named Rosenstock. The other two women are: Frau Glaser and frau Salter
The men are Kraus, Hollinger, my father Salo Reifer and my uncle Paul Reifer.
Does anyone recognize any more of these people? (updated 8 Oct. 2013)

Cecina: Ruta Reifer, Jusiu, and Mina Blickstein
(added Oct.4 2010)

Me standing in front of our neighbor's house on the
Blumengasse - 1941, before the Ghetto. A happy
four year old. (added Jan.4 2012).

On Sundays, many Czernowitzers habitually went to Cecina or Bila
in order to enjoy the outdoors. As can be seen in this photograph
They took with them: Rye bread, pears, boiled pickled tongue
and Cabanus (a thin long and very dry smoked sausage).