Notable Czernowitz Residents |
Original compilation by Jane Reifer. Ver.5.0 - Updated 2018 March 22 by Jerome 18032208301045 |
Please help us fill in the gaps on the Czernowitz connections for these notable people by providing all the information you wish to appear, corresponding to the column headings below. |
This chart is an index of sorts about people who have lived or worked in Czernowitz and are well known for work in their field(s). The column "Era" is for lifespan (birth and death) information, and there is also a column called "Years in Czernowitz." The years in that column will not necessarily match the "Era" column. Information that gives more background or details can go in the "Misc." column. |
Name |
Field |
Era |
Years in Czernowitz |
Birth Name |
Misc. |
Source |
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Abraham Mendel |
Publisher - Czernowitzer Allgemeine Zeitung, Owner publishing House "Eminescu" |
Peter Hubscher |
Abromowicz Leon |
Artist |
1889-1978 |
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Aliav Ruth Klüger (née Polishuk) |
Zionist activist |
27 April 1910 – 16 February 1980 |
lived in her youth in Cernăuţi |
Jane Reifer, from Wikipedia |
Ameseder Eduard |
Artist |
18 Oct 1856 - 24 May 1938 |
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Andermann Dr. Frederick |
Canadian Neurologist and Epileptologist |
b. 26 September 1930 Czernowitz |
abt 1930-1940 |
Awarded the Order of Canada in 2006 - |
Dr. Lisa Andermann |
Appelfeld Aharon |
Author |
1932 |
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Ruth Glasberg Gold |
Arikha Avigdor |
Artist |
1929 |
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Arno Ed |
Cartoonist |
1916 Innsbruck - 27 May 2008 New York |
abt 1917-? |
Arnold Edelstein |
Florence Ebner |
Ausländer Rose |
Poet |
11 May 1901 - 3 January 1988 |
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Bartfeld-Feller Margit |
Author |
31 March 1923 Chernivtsi |
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Marion Tauschwitz |
Beraru Armand |
Photographer |
-1932 |
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Bergman Lucian |
Film Director |
Gabriele Weissmann |
Brenner Hedwig |
Writer and Lexicographer |
b. 27 Sept 27, 1918 Czernowitz - d. 23 January 2017 Haifa |
1918-1945 |
Hedwig Langhaus |
Bio - ; Video- |
Bianca Rosenthal, Irene Fishler |
Budabin Berthold |
Last Hapsburg Royal Court Representative to Bukovina |
d. 1952 Toronto |
Robert Burton |
Budabin Mina |
Partner with Lermer Brothers in a cotton weaving mill |
d. 1971 Toronto |
Wilhemina Schuurtman |
Robert Burton |
Burg Josef |
Writer |
Jane Reifer, from Steve Lasky film clip |
Birnbaum Manfred |
Yiddishist |
1864 - 1937 |
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Bittman Karl |
Author |
1911 |
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Blum Clara |
Poet |
1904-1971 |
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Blum Martha |
Author |
1913 |
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Brociner Marco Dr. |
Author |
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Celan Paul |
Poet |
23 Nov.1920 - 1 May 1970 |
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Paul Antschel |
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Chargaff Erwin |
Chemist |
11 August 1905 – 20 June 2002 |
1905-1914 |
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Dauber Dol (Adolf) |
Composer, Arranger, Jazz Band Director |
23 July 1894 - 15 September 1950 |
Jane Reifer |
Diamant Max Dr. |
Lawyer, Yiddishist, Zionist |
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Ebermann Leo Dr. |
Author |
1863-1914 |
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Eberson John |
Theatre Designer (including the Majestic) |
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Jane Reifer |
Ebner Mayer Dr. |
Zionist leader, Politician, Journalist |
1872-1955 |
1872-1939 |
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See: The Mayer Ebner Memorial Albums |
Jane Reifer |
Edelstein Yuli |
Speaker of the Knesset for Likud |
Jane Reifer |
Ehrlich Eugen |
Legal scholar |
14 September 1862 - 2 May 1922 |
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Jane Reifer |
Eisenscher Jakob |
Artist |
1898-1960 |
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Eminescu Mihai |
Poet |
Jane Reifer |
Falia Anton |
Architect |
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gf of Oskar Laske |
Feldhammer |
Actor |
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Fischer Hermann Dr. |
Philanthropist |
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Flinker Martin |
Book-seller |
1895 - 21 June, 1986 |
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Jane Reifer |
Frank Jacob Joseph |
Heretic, Messiah claimant, Founder of Frankism religion, an outgrowth of Sabbateanism with 500,000 followers |
1726- 10 December 1791 |
About 1730-1743, and later sporadic visits |
Jakub Lejbowicz |
Father, Lev; Mother Rachel; grandfather Rabbi Jeka Tatar. Born Berczany near Husiatyn, then moved to Korołówka, Poland, and then Czernowitz. |
Jane Reifer |
Franzos Karl Emil |
Author |
1848 Czortków, Galicia -1904 |
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He lived for a few years in Czernowitz, but not being able to continue his studies, he went to Vienna and Prague, later in Berlin where he is buried at the Weissensee Cemetery. G Weissman |
Jane Reifer, Gabriele Weissmann |
Friedmann Meschulim |
Restauranteur |
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Gegenbauer Leopold |
Mathematician |
2 Feb 1849 - 3 June 1903 |
1875-1878 |
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Gingold Norbert |
Composer, Founder, San Francisco Childrens' Opera |
Abt. 1903 -1996 |
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Jane Reifer |
Gluksmann Max |
Tango impresario, Filmmaker |
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Mordecai David Glucksmann |
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Jane Reifer |
Gold Edwin Richard |
M.D., Research Scientist, Immunologist |
1905 -1990 |
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collegue of Erwin Chargaff - Wrote the first book on immunology in Romania in 1957 |
Jane Reifer, Gabriele Weissmann |
Gong Alfred |
Poet |
1920 - 1981 |
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Alfred Liquornik |
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Gross Hans |
Founder scientific criminology, originator of fingerprint interpretation, Magistrate Cz Criminal court |
1847-1915 |
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Jane Reifer |
Hassner Alfred |
Chemist |
1930 |
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Herschkowitz Philipp Moiseyevich |
Composer |
7 September 1906 – 5 January 1989 |
1940-1941 |
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Hilsenrath Edgar |
Author |
1926 |
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Hoenich Paul Konrad |
Painter |
1907-1997 |
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Kaindl Raimund Friedrich |
Historian |
1866 - 1930 |
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Kandler Lubomyra-Melitta |
Philanthropist |
-1928 |
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Melnechuk |
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Kassner Salomon Dr. |
Historian |
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Kellner Leon |
Scholar of English literature |
1859-1928 |
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Kern Dr. Ernst Reinhold |
Doctor – anesthesiology |
1908-1969 |
Florence Ebner |
Kettner Frederick |
Founder of Biosophy |
1886 -1957 |
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Jane Reifer |
Kiesler Friederich |
Architect,Painter, Sculptor, Philosopher |
22 September 1890 - December 1965 |
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With a colleague, he built the "Shrine of the Book" in Jerusalem. |
Jane Reifer, Gabriele. Weissmann |
Kiesler Heinreich Dr. |
Lawyer, Publisher |
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Kittner Alfred |
Poet, Author, Journalist |
1905 -1987 |
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Klinghofer Berthold |
Painter |
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Klueger Karl |
Journalist |
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Koenig Lia |
Actress |
Gabriele Weissmann |
Kogan Simeonov ‘Sam’ |
Actor |
22 October 1946 – 10 November 2004 |
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Kok James |
Bandleader |
26 January 1902 - 18 October 1976 |
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Kolnik Artur |
Painter, Jiddishist |
6 April 1890 - 1972 |
1918 -1931 |
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born: Stanislawow,Galicia; died:Paris France |
Kommer Rudolf K. |
Author, Linguist, Translator |
1885 - 1943 |
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Korn-Daghani Arnold |
Author, Artist |
1909 - 1985 |
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Kozenn-Chajes Marguerite |
Mozart scholar |
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Krämer Markus |
Lawyer, Newspaper-editor, Politician, Writer |
1887-1964 |
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Edgar Hauster, Cornel Fleming |
Kunis Mila |
Jewish American actress |
b. 14 August 1983 Chernivtsi |
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Mark Wiznitzer |
Laron Zvi |
Israeli physician |
Jane Reifer |
Laske Oskar |
Architect, Painter |
8 Jan 1874 - 30 Nov 1951 |
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Laske-Kesselbauer Elizabeth |
Painter |
1884 - 1977 |
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Lehr Noa |
Soap Manufacturer, Philanthropist |
d. 1937 |
Robert Burton |
Lerner Shlomo |
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Abt. 1890-1963 |
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Levin Leibu |
Yiddish artist - reciter, singer, composer |
1914 - 1983 |
1919 - 1941 |
Haim-Jehuda |
Friend of Paul Celan, teacher of Selma Merbaum in the drama class in Czernowitz. In 1980 translated all of her poems into Yiddish and composed 6 of them. More about Leibu Levin in the 'Stories' section and on |
Linkers Eduard |
Actor |
1912 |
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Loyev Moyshe |
Drama Critic |
Jane Reifer, from Steve Lasky film clip |
Mandyczewski Eusebius |
Musicologist |
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Manger Itzik |
Author |
1901 - 1969 |
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Margul-Sperber Alfred |
Poet |
23 Sep 1898 - 1 Mar 1961 |
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Paul Celan's mentor |
Merbaum Selma |
Poet |
1924 - 1942 |
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Jane Reifer, Marion Tauschwitz |
Menchel Jacob |
Professor of Medicine and Chair, National Council of Geriatrics |
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Jane Reifer |
Menczel Philipp Dr. |
Journalist |
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Moskovich Wolf |
Linguist |
Jane Reifer, from Steve Lasky film clip |
Offner Alfred |
Artist Painter Designer |
1879 |
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member Wiener Secession |
Olszewski Karl Ewald |
Artist |
1884 |
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Pagis Dan |
Poet and translator |
Jane Reifer |
Popliker Benno |
Stage Director |
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Pollak Israel |
Founder of Polgat textile conglomerate |
1909-1993 |
Jane Reifer |
Popovici Traian |
Romanian mayor of Czernowitz during WWII |
Jane Reifer |
Porumbescu Ciprian |
Pianist, Composer |
14 October 1853 - 6 July 1883 |
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Preminger Ingwald “Ingo” |
Film producer (M*A*S*H) |
25 February 1911 - ? |
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Jane Reifer |
Preminger, Otto |
Film Director |
1905 - 1986 |
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Colleague of my father in junior school, born in Wiznitz, but he always maintained he was born in Vienna, where he moved with his family while still young. - G. Weissmann |
Jane Reifer, Gabriele Weissmann |
Reder Bernard |
Sculptor |
29 Jun.1897 - Sep.1963 |
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Jane Reifer |
Reifer Manfred |
Zionist, Historian |
1890 -1953 |
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Jane Reifer |
Robinson Edward G. |
Hollywood Actor |
12 Dec.1893 Bucharest - 26 Jan. 1973 |
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Emanuel Goldenberg |
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Jane Reifer, Gabriele Weissmann |
Roll Eric (Lord) |
Member British House of Lords, Author, Educator, Economist, Banker |
b.1907 Novoselyzja - 2005 |
left Cz in 1923 |
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Wrote 'Crowded Hours' some of life in Cz described - studied in Czernowitz and later England, but spent most of his life in the U.K. |
Jane Reifer, Gabriele Weissmann, Yosef Eshet |
Rosen Lia |
Actor |
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Rosenthal Bianca |
Author |
Bianca Rosenthal |
Rubel Maximllian |
Marxist Historian |
b.1905 Cz - d.1996 Paris |
French citizen - 1937 |
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published 80 titiles on Marx |
Salaban Colonel |
Counterfeiter |
1871 |
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Jane Reifer |
Schaechter-Gottesman Belle |
Poet, Painter, Singer |
current |
before 1951 |
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winner 2005 National Heritage Fellowship (Nat'l Endowment for the Arts) |
Scharf Ze'ev |
Finance Minister Eshkol government |
Jane Reifer |
Schatzmann Poldi |
Composer, Musician, Music Dir. Nat. Theatre of Israel "Habima" |
b. Czernowitz 1922 d.1994 Tel Aviv |
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Composed most music for plays of Hanoch Levin |
Schmidt Joseph |
Singer |
4 Mar 1902 - 16 Nov 1942 |
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born in Davideny |
Jane Reifer |
Shmueli Ilana |
Author |
7 Mar 1924 Czernowitz - 11 November 2011 Jerusalem |
Liane Schindler |
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Marion Tauschwitz |
Schnitzer Moshe |
President of the Israel Diamond Exchange |
Jane Reifer |
Schrager Rudolf Noachim |
Composer |
b. 28 August 1900 |
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Schumpeter Joseph Alois |
Economist, Sociologist |
8 Feb. 1883 - 8 Jan. 1950 |
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Sekler Maricius |
Actor, Stage Director |
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Silbermann Edith |
Author |
1921, Czernowitz – 2008, Düsseldorf |
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Marion Tauschwitz |
Steinbarg Eliezer |
Writer |
1880 - 1932 |
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Tal Sidy |
Actor |
8 Sept.1912 - 17 Aug.1983 |
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Jane Reifer |
Ursuleac Veronica |
Soprano |
1894-1985 |
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Vaisman Alexander |
Artist |
1967 |
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Vlad Roman |
Composer, Pianist, Musicologist, Artistic director of La Scala |
b.1919 |
1919-1938 |
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von Mikulicz-Radecki Johannes |
Surgeon |
16 May 1850 – 4 June 1905 |
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von Rezzori Gregor |
Author |
13 May 1914 - 23 April 1998 |
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Jane Reifer |
von Summer Erwin |
Major General K(u)K Army |
b. Czernowitz d.1946 |
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Weissglas Immanuel |
Poet, Translator, Author, Journalist |
1920 - 1979 |
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Weissmann Eduard |
Cellist |
1943 |
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Wininger Schlomo |
Author |
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Yatseniuk Arsenyi |
Politician, Economist, Lawyer, Prime Minister of Ukraine - 27 February 2014 to 14 April 2016 |
22 May 1974 Chernivtsi |
Cornel Fleming |
Yavetz Zvi |
Historian |
Ruth Glasberg Gold |