How to Join the Czernowitz-L Mailing List

To subscribe to the list:   Send a Plain Text email addressed to <>.
In the text of the message, put the text below, substituting your real name, and nothing more:

Join Czernowitz-L "Firstname Lastname"

Your name must appear in double quotes

You must send this message from the e-mail address where you want to receive the e-list's messages.

The message must be sent in Plain Text , that is, no formatting, font styles,  HTML or Rich Text.

If this doesn't work:   then email the list owners at requesting that you be subscribed. When your subscription is accepted by the listserv and approved by the list owners, you will receive an acknowledgment message from the Cornell listserv computer. Once the acknowledgment is received, you can post to the group.
To email the group:  simply send your message (in Plain Text, please) to Any problems? Please contact the list owners at <>.

To receive a daily digest   of messages (one email with all messages sent that day) rather than a separate email with each individual message, send this command to <>:
Set Czernowitz-L digest

To unsubscribe from the list,   send a message to
In the body of the message, just include the word: LEAVE
More information can be found at this site:

Once you have subscribed to the list, please send a note to the list telling a bit about yourself and your Czernowitz region interests and questions. Some members will reply to the list; others may reply privately.

Membership is subject to approval of the list owner (rarely withheld). Replies are set to go directly back to the sender, so if you wish to reply to the entire group, please check your "To:" line before sending your mail. Czernowitz-L is a moderated list. The List Owners will only forward messages that are pertinent to the history and genealogy of the Jewish communities of Czernowitz and Sadagora to the group. Only subscribers may post to the list using the email address from which they subscribed. Please post in "plain text" mode from your email software, and please double-check your text before sending.

Bruce Reisch - List Owner
Jerome Schatten - Co-List Owner