Modules and Total Presentation for the Chernivtsi 600th Anniversary Celebration  -- a PowerPoint slide show --  produced  Hardy Breier

Updated  7 January 2008
Notes:  These power point files are large, each 5MB or more. Clicking on one will start a download process from the website to your computer. Depending on your Internet connection and your computer, it may take a minute or so to download.

You will need either a full-blown copy of PowerPoint (preferred) or the free PowerPoint viewer that you can download from Microsoft. If when you click on one of the files below, your computer asks if you want to save the file, but does not offer to run it, it most likely means you don't have a full version of PowerPoint installed.  You can download a free viewer from Microsoft. Just Google: 'PowerPoint viewer', it should be the first thing that comes up.

The total presentation is finished. The order of the separate files below is the order of the total presentation. I have also posted the entire presentation. It is a very large file --  64MB. It works properly with PowerPoint 2003, and if you follow the instructions below, it should work OK with the viewr too.
If  you don't have PowerPoint 2003, and your using the free PowerPoint Viewer, you should try downloading the file first,  then bring up the viewer and open the file with the viewer.  You will be asked if you want to save the file

Click on  total8.ppt to give this a try.

Jerome Schatten

Click on   stadt.pps

Click on juden.pps

Click on judenstadt.pps

Click on schmidt.pps

Click on studium.pps

Click on tempel.pps

Click on  holocaust.pps

Click on zwinter.pps

Click on bemerkenswerte.pps