Lea Haber Gedalia's Family History Album

The Ellenberg Story:

My great grandmother Batsheva Ellenberg was born circa 1875 to Eliezer Hacohen Ellenberg and Perla Feiga Tischler. Batsheva married Yechiel Mechel Derfler from Luzan Bukowina. He died in the Czernowitz ghetto in February 1940. She died in Mogilev, Transnistria.  They had 8 children, and except for Zvi Hirsh who perished with his family, the seven remaining children survived and arrived in Israel.

One of Batsheva's  siblings, Aharon David Hacohen Ellenberg was born in Cz. in 1877.  He married Sara Fried In Czernowitz, and had 5 children. Morris, the eldest was born in 1900 and left for the USA at the age of 18. Only 2 years ago I have found his descendants and renewed relations. Naftaly, born in 1902 came from Czernowitz to Palestine with a group of "Hashomer Hazair", and was among the founders of Kibbutz Mishmar Haemek. In 1935 he asked his parents and siblings to join him and so they did.

Shmuel Dov Ellenberg  (
born 1908 died in Palestine in 1942) and wife Channa Scharf (died 1970's) . Brother Zvi the youngest, born 1915 lived and died in Kibbutz Yakum. Thus, this family was saved.  The several class photographs  are probably representing the school classes of Shmuel and Zvi.  I would love to hear from anyone recognizing the school, teachers or pupils.  The pictures belong to Shmuel's daughter Zipora.

More photographs:  Shmuel and wife Channa walking and Shmuel & Channa with some friends on a boat. Does anyone recognize the people or where these were taken?

The other 2 siblings of my great grandmother were  Mordechai Ellenberg who married Ferga Godfried.
I have never been able to trace them, supposedly they survived, and sister Silka who arrived in Israel married  a Tischler and had 6 daughters.

The Scharf Story:

My grandmother  Lea Lotti Scharf was the youngest daughter of Shlomo Kalman Klonimus and Meite Friedman Gartner.  It is not known where she was born circa 1900 but she died in Czernowic in April 1938 after being ill for several years.

Siblings of Lea Scharf were:
1.  Lea's  eldest brother Menashe was born in Kisilev in 1871; he was 27 years older than she was. Thus, she had nephews and nieces who were the same age as she was.  As far as we know, Lea's father, Shlomo Kalman Klonimus, was born in Putila as were his parents (Yaakov and Sara) and grand- parents (Menashe and Feiga). 
2.  Rosa Scharf,  born in Kisilv in 1883, she married Luvich from Karpatciu and died before 1938. My mother never knew how she was related to Rosa's Grandchild Iziu from her daughter Perl Rosencweig born 1910 and died in Zastavna...
3.  Luzer Scharf - born circa 1885 and died in Transnistria. His first wife Rosa Halperin died in 1920 leaving him with Ancel, Jacob and Oskar-Shiku born 1907 in Kisilev but lived in Zastavna and died in Montreal in 1991.  Shiku always went by his mothers surname-Halperin. Jacob also died in Transnistria and Ancel died as baby of three years old.  Luzer's second wife Perl Breecher and son Leon born 1921 perished with him.
4.  Sara Scharf born 1897 married Moses Schapira from Vaslovici  (who lost his first wife during WW1  and remained with 3 small girls). They both did not survive Transnistria.  Their daughters Dora and Meite who married cousins (Mechel and Beno)   Teitler survived and arrived in Israel.  I believe there were more children who died as a youth, I know of one:  Channa born and died in 1889.

Menashe Scahrf the elder brother, married Lea Sternberg and they had 7 children. Menashe was a grocery shop owner.  He was killed by his neighbors in July 1941. Lea [Sternberg] his wife was born in Zaleszczyki to Chaim and Miscka Sternberg in 1874.

Children of Menashe were: 
1. Lisa Libca Scharf born 1900 and married Zeev Wolf Ashkenazy (only he survived the holocaust and arrived in Israel).
2. Klara Chayze Scharf born 1901 married Jacob Golz from Bojancuk  (she survived and came back from Transnistria to Cernowitz where she died in 1966).
3. Jacov Yankel Scharf born 1902 married Shaindel Brener from Verchianka, they both arrived in Israel but their eldest Rosa,  born  in 1932 did not survive.
4. Chana Scharf born 1908 married Shmuel Dov Ellenberg and both immigrated to Palestine in 1935. Dov died in 1942 in Haifa and Channa remarried her brother in Law Zeev Ashkenazy.
5. Moshe Muniu Scharf (seated front) born 1910 married Gizella Hacker (seated front)  both arrived in Israel.
6.  Menachem Mendel born 1916 did not survive and was killed by the mob in Kisilev.
7.  Zipora Cilli, born 1911 and died as a child, date unknown.
My mother, Malcia Ellenberg was born to David Ellenberg (who went by his mothers' name and not father's name DERFLER) in Czernowitz. between 1930-1933. We know some years were taken off her age entering an orphanage after Transnistria.   There are only two pictures from  her childhood:  One of them with family in Zastavna and the other
one, where she stands beside her mothers' grave was taken probably in 1939.  My mother arrived in Israel with a Gordonia youth group via Cyprus to the Atlit detention camp in 1947. And here I am living today in Atlit -- a circle is closed.

Here are Scharf family photographs with most of the family members unknown.

This was the story as I knew it until  three weeks ago . A Visitor from Montreal-  the daughter in law of Shiku Halperin  came with a piece of paper she wrote some 40 years ago . According to Shiku, his grandfather Shlomo Kalman Scahrf had two siblings : Abraham and Zippora who married Pesach also a Scharf. It could be of course that Pesach was the sibling and Zipora a cousin.

The paper indicated that Pesach and Zipora had a son named Menachem Mendel who married Golda, and Abraham had 3 daughters- Sara, Rosa and Maria.  That same night I entered Yad Vashem site to look for possible descendants of Menachem Mendel and Golda and BOOM there it was: I found  some PT's given by Shlomo Scharf from Haifa. I called him that same night, introduced my self as a possible relative and set a date to meet him as he was 89 years old.

Over the phone he told me that he knew of a cousin in Montreal by the name Shiku and this was my validation to the story. I met him and he was just full with family information. He knew not only of his grandfather's descendants but also of his grandfather's siblings - among them Perl Scharf who married Friedman - same Friedman as Dow ex Boris from our Cz. List, and Sima who married Wagner,  Chaya who married Gartner, Moshe and Shlomo.

Since my great-grandmother was Meite Friedman Gartner, I now guess she was also a relative of her husband.  As to Abraham's family, my new  cousin Shlomo never heard of them, but the paper came with some minor information regarding the daughter Sara who married Josef Gronich and her daughter Melita married Eliezer Cumpana and her daughter Evelyn married Meir Segev.

Since Melita also immigrated to Montreal, Shiku's family met them on family events without remembering or even knowing how they were related. I made contact with Sara (Evelyn's daughter) through facebook {!!} and she is now looking for her family tree made in 7th grade.

Lea Haber Gedalia - 2011