Lobel, Hecker, Peretz

From: Michelle <joiedevivre_at_skybest.com>
Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2002 21:36:02 +0800
To: CZERNOWITZ-L_at_cornell.edu
Reply-To: CZERNOWITZ-L_at_cornell.edu

<x-charset iso-8859-1>Hi everyone,

Thanks, Bruce, for getting us switched over so smoothly. I am excited to hear
how many people we have on the list. The more people, the more likely we'll
find our long lost cousins.

I'm searchiing Hecker & Lobel (Löbl), both of which are known to have come
from the Sadagora area, but also possibly Peretz and Ladenheim and Pauker (or

My g-grandparents were William (Wolf) Lobel and Sadie Hecker Lobel. Sadie's
father was Avrom. He did not come to the US and was still in Sadagora in 1909
when she arrived in the US. William's father is shown on William's death
certificate as Mutel (Motel, Mordechai) Lobel and Hilda Parker. My father is
named Morton, we believe after his great grandfather. One of his cousins was
named Ida after Hilda. Sadie (also shown variously as Sura and Sara) had a
brother named Aaron who was married to Yetta Peretz. I'm not sure when the
immigrated. I have found most, but not all of their descendants. We have
found all of Sadie and William's descendants.

Avrom Hecker's wife was believed to have been named Anna. Their daughter
Sadie was remembered to have talked about an uncle named Ignatz Ladenheim who
later changed his surname to Laden, which means that Anna's maiden name was
likely to have been Ladenheim. I've never found any verification of this, nor
have I found anything to verify an uncle Ignatz other than the memory of a 70
year old cousin who knew her grandmother Sadie well.

I've been in communication with many Lobel researchers, and a number of us are
all tracing Lobels from within a 100 mile radius of Czernowitz and Sadagora,
but so far none of us have made connections. I believe it was Robert
Strumwasser who sent me pictures of his Lobels and the likeness to my William
is startling.

Oh, it is believed that Sadie's parents were fairly well-to-do, possibly
something related to horses. Sadie spoke at least 5 languages, and translated
letters for people when she came to the US. I can figure Yiddish, German,
Russian, English but not sure what the other might have been. Sometimes I
find it remarkable when I struggle with my German and French to realize that
my mother is bi-lingual (born in Germany), my American grandparents both spoke
Yiddish and English (and my grandfather spoke Polish, too), and my great
grandparents were bi- or multi-lingual. William was a carpenter and worked
during the Depression for the WPA.

All the documents specifically say Sadagora and there is no mention of any
other towns.

Bruce - thanks again.

Michelle Handler

Handlass (Warsaw, Poland)
Kresewitz (Poland)
Lobel, Parker (Pauker), Ladenheim, Peretz & Hecker (Sadagora)
Hoppe, Buck (Germany)

Received on 2002-06-14 08:28:15

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