Re: Ellis Island passenger arrivals (Czernowitz)

From: Bruce Reisch <>
Date: Wed, 3 Jul 2002 11:29:36 -0400
To: Czernowitz listserv <>


1. I think you can write to an address given on the Ellis Island
site to suggest corrections.

2. For town name searches, it's also possible to do a search for
town name "starts with" ... or "contains" . . . With Mihowa, you
might try "starts with" Mi or Mih. There might be a large number of
hits to look over, but you might be rewarded, too, for your patience.

3. I don't know what else is planned for Ellis Island's web site.
But there are some pre-1892 passenger listings on the port of Hamburg
emigration site:

These listings (in which the name transcription was much more
accurate in my opinion) begin in 1890 and are complete now through

4. It may take several minutes to get a response from Stephen Morse'
web site in cases where you are doing a town name search without
entering any surname or first name information. I timed out numerous
times in my searches until I found that it worked quite nicely either
early in the morning or late in the evening, New York time.

All the best,

At 11:05 -0400 7/3/02, Bernie Levy wrote:
>Bruce (and Stephen),
>I used the various EllisIsland options, from the results screens, in
>attempts to
>get details on passenger records, text and original manifests, etc. Sometimes
>response was fairly rapid and sometimes it "never" came back and I cancelled.

>Bernie Levy
>Stamford, CT, USA
>LEVY, POSMONTIER (POSMENTYRER, etc.) from Biezun (or Bedzin), Poland
>KAUDERER, BURG, THAU, ALTMAN from Beregomet, Migovo,
> also possibly Russ Banilov, Zalusce, Sniatyn, Otynya, Dzhuriv (Ukraine)
>DREBIN/DREBEN from Taurage & Kretinga, Lith. and Poltava, Ukraine.
>ACKERMAN from Kretinga, Lithuania

Received on 2002-07-03 11:31:48

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