Re: Messages

From: Bruce Reisch <>
Date: Mon, 2 Sep 2002 05:30:53 -0400
To: <>

<x-flowed>Dear Albert (and Friends):

It was terrific to see you in Toronto; it was a great learning
experience for me, too. I don't know why you haven't received any
messages from me - I posted notes to Czernowitz-L on Aug 8, Aug 11
(2), Aug 15, and Aug. 22. Anyway, always glad to hear from you.

While at a conference in Hungary for the past 8 days, I saw
synagogues in two old towns in the south, and even had a chance to
attend a concert at a Jewish Summer Festival in Budapest! Lucky for
me, my host made the arrangements. I'd never had known about it

About donations: There is no place to send contributions as there is
no formal organization here; we are not a SIG; and the money
shouldn't wind up in my bank account ;-) So, I suggest that, if you
feel moved to make a contribution, help keep JewishGen running -and
improving!- by sending a donation to them. See

Now for some real news - just by chance while in Hungary, I found out
from an Israeli friend that there is a new yizkor book being prepared
for Radauti/Radautz, Bukowina. I'm trying to find out more, and will
pass along the information as soon as I can.

All the best,

At 14:16 -0400 8/31/02, Albert Brookenthal wrote:
>Hello Bruce: I have been home from Toronto & Vacation two weeks.
>Have not received any messages from you. What's new?? My first
>Conference was a great learning experience. I met some wonderful
>interesting people and what made the Conferrence so great was that I
>was with Jewish Genealogists there. Keep in touch and send more news
>and information about the Czernowitz-L SIG. At the JewishGen web
>site, is there a place to send donation for the Czernowitz-L SIG??
>Have a great week-end and to you and all in the family, L'SHANAH
>TOVA. Leaving soon to play round of golf with my "old" high school
>Arlene & Albert Brookenthal
>Toledo, Ohio

Bruce Reisch
Geneva, New York

Researching: REISCH, SCHECHTER, FEUERSTEIN - Sadgura, Bukowina, Ukraine
Solca, Bukowina, Romania
WEISSMAN - Brody, Galicia, Ukraine SCHACHTER, HELLMANN - Okup, Ukraine

Received on 2002-09-02 05:54:45

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