At this web site a new yizkor book for Watra Dorna is described.
Presently in Hebrew, there are plans to produce an English edition.
To quote:
"Memorial Book of the Jewish
Community in Vatra Dornei
and Surroundings.Bucovina, Romania"
"On December 5th 2001 at the General Assembly of the membership of
our Association, the Hebrew edition of our "Memorial Book of the
Jewish Community in Vatra Dornei and Surroundings. Bucovina,
Romania," was handed out to the members present.
The book is the work of over 180 contributors (inclusive testimonies
at Yad Vashem) and contains over 400 articles, lists, documents,
certificates and around 300 pictures; in two volumes, at a total of
903 pages."
"In the Hebrew edition we have such material from families:
Abramovici, Klipper, Rubinger, Fessler, Sinnreich and many others.
For information and correspondence, contact the editor for the
English edition
Marcel Biener
521 Piermont Ave, Apt. 217
River Vale. NJ 07675, USA
Tel/FAX 201-594-0350
E-mail BIENER17M_at_aol.com"
L'Shana Tova
RADAUTZ: http://www.shtetlinks.jewishgen.org/radauti/radautz.html
SADGURA: http://www.shtetlinks.jewishgen.org/sadgura/sadgura.html
Researching: REISCH, SCHECHTER, FEUERSTEIN - Sadgura, Bukowina, Ukraine
Solca, Bukowina, Romania
WEISSMAN - Brody, Galicia, Ukraine SCHACHTER, HELLMANN - Okup, Ukraine
Received on 2002-09-06 12:10:51
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