SHLEIFERMAN in Chernovitz

From: Bruce Reisch <>
Date: Fri, 6 Sep 2002 15:21:02 -0400

<x-flowed>This message is reprinted from Ukraine SIG with permission from the
sender. Please reply directly to Florence Gurwin at the address


Subject: SHLEIFERMAN in Chernovitz
From: "Florence Gurwin" <>
Date: Thu, 5 Sep 2002 15:03:23 -0400
X-Message-Number: 9

I just found some old letters that belonged to my father. They were sent
in 1972 & 1973 and they were written in Yiddish from his sister-in-law
Ethel(I think) SHLEIFERMAN, the widow of Viktor. At that time, her address
was (I'm writing from what I was told about the translation of Russian
from slips of paper contained within the letter): Chernovitz, Caral
Liepclient St. #12, house 8. The name given was Ethel or Esther bas
Shulem. These letters were not mailed from Chernovitz but appear by the
return address on the envelopes to have been forwarded from someone by the
name of LANG at 4972 De La Peltrie, Montreal, Que.

Based on my memory from years ago, I seem to recall that Lang may be a
sister to Ethel. If Ethel is still alive, she would be quite elderly, but
I believe she had 2 sons who, most likely, would be in their late 50s or
early 60s. They would be my first cousins. If anyone has any information
or could help in finding additional information, I would be most
appreciative. This is the first clue I've found in tracing my family on my
fasther's side.

Florence Gurwin
Columbus, OH



L'Shana Tova,

Received on 2002-09-07 16:21:07

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