<x-flowed>Here are some excerpts from Die Stimme, the monthly published by the
Bukowina Jews World Union.
*The city of Chernivtsi celebrated the 90th birthday of Josef Burg,
the last Yiddish writer of Czernowitz.
*There is currently an art exhibit (Czernowitz 1918-1940) at the
Czernowitz Landeskundemuseum, Kobyljanskastr. 28. For information
contact curator Guenther Guggenberger <gguggenberger02_at_yahoo.com> or
see <http://www.ktn.gv.at/czernowitz>.
* A new yizkor book for Suczawa/Suceava is in preparation. They seek
documentary materials, photos, and original maps. If you came from
Suceava, send the following information: Name and family name;
birth data; address and telephone number; address before deportation
with street and house number; Name of ghetto in Transnistria; and the
year of emigration - send this to Die Stimme (Stichwort/keyword:
Suczawa), Arnon Str. 12, P.O.B. 3653, 63455 Tel Aviv, Israel, Tel no.
972 - 3- 5226619.
* The Bukowina Jews World Union will gather to memorialize the
martyrs of Transnistria and Siberia at 16:00, on 15 October 2002 at
Hotel Basel, Hayarkon Str 156 in Tel Aviv.
* The organization seeks books about Bukowina that are no longer
needed to enrich its library and to make available to future
generations. In particular, Gold's Geschichte der Juden in der
Bukowina is sought. Contact Bukowina Jews World Union, Arnon Str.
12, P.O.B. 3653, 63455 Tel Aviv, Israel, Tel no. 972 - 3- 5226619.
* Extra copies of the book by Josef Rudel (editor of Die Stimme) are
still available. Title of book is "Von Czernowitz bis Tel Aviv gab's
immer was zum Lachen". In German; there is also a Romanian language
version. Approx. translation: "From Czernowitz to Tel Aviv, always
for some laughter" (or "always giving something to laugh about?"
correct me somebody!) Contact the Arnon Str. office.
* Also in the new book category is "Zwischen Pruth und Jordan:
Lebenserinnerungen Czernowitzer Juden". Title translates to "Between
the Pruth and Jordan: Lifetime memories of Czernowitz Jews".
Numerous Jews were interviewed for this book, and contributed their
stories and private photos. For more information see:
Happy Holidays!
Received on 2002-09-08 20:03:00
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