Back from Chernivtsy

From: milton Taylor <>
Date: Thu, 19 Jun 2003 18:35:16 -0500
To: "" <>

Mimi Taylor wrote:

Dear fellow Bukowiner,

I returned from Chernivtsy two days ago and am very very glad I went.
It will take me some time to condense all my impressions and feelings,
and to develop and sort the over 100 photographs I took. Right now I
just want to let all of you, who asked me to take photographs of
locations, know, that I did so and in a few days I will e-mail them to
Also I want to thank all of you who encouraged me to go, and supplied
me with information and advice. Had you not done so, I might not have
gone, or had a far less pleasant and useful trip. To those of you who
contemplating a trip to Chernivtsy or other places in the Bucovina, I
gladly give you any information I have. The southern Bucovina and parts
of northern Romania are worth a visit even without any emotional and
ancestral ties, the physical aspect of staying in Chernivtsy are OK, if
great, and in general the people were helpful and decent.

Wishing all of you the very best, Mimi
Received on 2003-06-19 19:45:15

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