The Czernowitz-L Archive by subject
- i_wunsch (2003-06-22 21:51:44)
- (no subject)
- (OT) Shana Tova!
- 1900 map
- 1908 Street Guide available in PDF format
- <Czern-L> Burial Register examples posted
- <Czern-L> Lookups
- <Czern-L> Rabbi Kofmansky has a web site and email address
- <Czern-L> Report from Washington, D.C.
- <Czern-L>: Update II on Cem. Project
- [C'z-L] Mimi's file in digest form??
- [C'z-L] Resend of Mimi Taylor's trip report
- [Cz-L] from Malvina Malinek regarding Alfred Margul-Sperber
- A new Resource for our Canadian Members
- A northern Bukovina committee formed in Israel
- a public apology
- About the younger Bukovinians
- Address change
- Alti Rodal's excellent presentation in Montreal - "Jewish Genealogical Research in Bukovina: Cemeteries, Archives and Oral History"
- Another note from Die Stimme
- another virus...
- Anyone have Beider's family name books?
- Apologies- Virus sent
- April issue of Die Stimme online
- Attached files
- Attachments; Cemetery update
- Austro-Hungarian army records
- Austro-Hungarian army records (fwd)
- Back from Chernivtsy
- Boen there
- books about Czernowitz
- books about Czernowitz in London
- BRENDER, from the Cznerowitz area
- Burial registers
- Burial registry pages
- Burial Stone Documentation
- C'z-L here's another one you shouldn't open...
- C'z-L webserver again
- C'z-L YAM (yet another map)
- C'z-L.. the clone has moved
- California Death Records
- Canadian Immigration Records Online
- Canadian Naturalization database
- Cemetary info / Chernowitz Records & Avi Keslinger Email
- Cemetery photos from summer, 2003
- Cemetery register transcription - update
- Cemetery register transcription - update 26 Dec.
- Chernovitz Rebbeisher Families (also Radutz)
- Chernowitz / Sadigora family searchers from Jewishgen
- Cinemas, Movie Theaters in Czernowitz
- comparing the 1900 map with the Stadtplan
- Congratulations to Jerome Schatten & thanks
- CORRECTION: JGS of Montreal - next in our lecture series - Monday, June 16th, 7:30 P.M.
- Czern-L: Now on eBay is. . .
- Czern. group: seeking Fred Stahl?
- Czernowitz
- Czernowitz - Sikuran - BURDMAN - WEINSTEIN/WARNER
- Czernowitz and chernivtsi
- Czernowitz and Chernivtsi final version
- Czernowitz and WALZER
- Czernowitz books
- Czernowitz Bukowina Lodge
- Czernowitz cemetery register project
- Czernowitz group: Becker family reunited
- Czernowitz group: Canadian organizations?
- Czernowitz Group: SMERTH and BUDD families
- Czernowitz Lecture
- Czernowitz locations
- Czernowitz policyholders
- Czernowitz travel photos needed
- Czernowitz und die Bukowina, 1890-1910
- Czernowitz, Revna (Michele's question)
- Czernowitz-L [Fwd: HI]
- CZERNOWITZ-L digest 108
- CZERNOWITZ-L digest 121
- CZERNOWITZ-L digest 140
- CZERNOWITZ-L digest 147
- CZERNOWITZ-L digest 164
- CZERNOWITZ-L digest 214
- CZERNOWITZ-L digest 246
- CZERNOWITZ-L digest 251
- Czernowitz-L Web Page
- czernowitz-l webpage update 19 Apr.
- czernowitz-L website update
- Czernowitz-L website...
- Czernowitz-L: YIVO town images online
- Czernowitz: Update on cemetery register indexing project
- CZNEROWITZ MEMORIES - lecture & forthcoming publication
- DAUBER Family
- Derelin
- Direct requests to the Czernowitz State Archives
- discussion regarding Mormon practices
- documents and photographs
- E-bay listing search Bukowina
- ebay photo + Sadagora book
- Eeek, I forgot the attachment...
- Ellen Greenspan request for photo of Springbrunner Street
- Ellenbogen, Berger
- Family MYRON
- Family Names/Addresses List Idea - Yes!
- family]
- First Message
- found: another amazing postcard
- Frequent visitor to Chernovitz
- From Malvina Malinek - Subject: Ciudin
- from Milton Taylor
- Fwd: Czernowitz - New Book, Old Photos
- Fwd: Czernowitz.
- Fwd: Joseph Burg in Czernowitz
- Fwd: JTA - In southwestern Ukrainian city,Jewish life isn't what it used to be
- Fwd: JTA - Ukrainian city boasts Yiddish past,but future of mother tongue unsure
- Fwd: Mon Aug 04 2003: E-Mail-List anti-virus upgrade
- Fwd: Rosenblatt / Sadgura
- Fwd: Translation from Nach Galizien
- Fwd:Mail from Bukovina Jews World Union
- FYI -Bugbear virus- off topic
- Galicia/ Czernowitz
- Genetic Match Urgently Needed for Bone Marrow Transplant
- German and Romanian Town Names
- German to English translation needed..
- Gershon Picks email
- Giant 1941 'Stadtplan von Czernowitz available'
- Given names
- Gold's book, volume II for sale
- GROSS Family from Chernowitz
- Harlem High Schools 1910-1912
- Hebrew names in files?
- Hello
- Hello Landzmen!
- Highschool yearbook 1909/1910 offered
- How to ID viruses
- Hoyles book of Mormon
- IAJGS Conference-DC
- Independent Willawczer Bukovina Society
- Interesting postcard...
- it happened Hannukah
- it happened Hannukah - "esoteric" differences
- Itzhak Artzi (Herzig) has passed away
- Jerome Schatten's suggestion
- Jewish identity card on ebay
- Jewish Marriage certificate
- JGS of Montreal - June 2003 Meeting Announcement
- Joseph Burg - More information
- JRI-Poland - addendum
- JUDAICA-Antique Jewish prayer CZERNOWITZ 1850
- just rambling....
- Kabestie
- KALKSTEIN & HAGLER from Sadgura
- KINSBRUNNER From Chernwitz
- Kudrynce
- lancement livre Mariette Gutherz
- List of Jews permitted to remain in Cernauti during WW2
- list of Jews..
- Location of Ghetto
- Looking for Bernard Fischer
- Looking for Mendel SHULMAN - Czernowitz >the Bronx
- Lunch in DC
- Luwisch from Karapchu
- Map
- Markowici family from Chernowitz
- Meislerschule
- Memoirs posted, Jack Becker of Chotin and Sadgura
- Microfilming project by the Family History Library
- Mikvah in Chernowitz
- More new on the Website...
- More new stuff on the website...
- My Dad's report card--1908
- my trip
- names Kern and Spitzer
- New Bukovina pictures posted
- New chapter posted (Gold's Geschichte)
- new Gold article
- New Gold Translations
- New JewishGen database
- new list member searches for ancestors..
- new member
- new member...
- New on the Czernowitz-L website...
- new on the website...
- New organization of Romanian born Jews
- New paper: Golden Age of the Jews of Bukovina
- New photos on the website...
- new postcards on the website...
- New researcher in Romania
- New subscriber
- New to List
- New translations posted
- News from the Czernowitz-L website: 30 Dec.03
- Next update on the cemetery register project
- Nooze from the website
- Notes/Updates/Suggestions to Czernowitz-L subscribers
- Novoselitsy
- Nu, What's Nu
- offensive use of the list
- old Czernowitz postcard
- Our Czernowitz Ancestors' Addresses
- our language
- Oyfruf to all on the list!
- photo on ebay
- Pics Of The Sadgura Rebbe (Passover)
- Pictures
- Places named
- Please, everyone stay on topic.
- possible outages
- rambling again...
- Reifer family Info
- Reiffer family?
- REIFLER family email group
- Reprinted from Rom-Sig discussion group -
- require working e-mail address for S.J.Metz
- researching Berryere,Berrjere, Berryery
- Resend of Sadigora Families list
- Revisiting times nad places...
- Roll family
- rotated 1900 streetmap
- Sadagora book for sale
- Sadagora burials
- Sadgura
- Sadgura Preservation
- Scolnik Email Group?
- Search for information about members of the Straucher Family from Chernowitz
- Searching for Bukovina in JRI-Poland
- Seeking information on TRICHTER family
- selyatin
- SHUSTER / SEOBAN of Czernowitz
- some Czernowitzer faces
- Some new web resources
- some queries of my own
- Soviet destruction of Jewish cemeteries
- spam blocking
- Springbrunner Street
- Stegman, Reifler or Dauber family from Chernowitz
- STORFER / REIFLER Connection
- Subject Heading addition
- Superb 1900 streetmap of C'z now on website
- Symbol on Tuttenauer Headstone Fwd: New photos on the website...
- thanks
- the spreadsheets...
- Theater name
- Theatre
- Theatre square
- this is not a cake for dieters!!!!
- Ties with online groups.
- Translation to Rumanian
- Transnistria Camp
- Travel Guide to Bukowina 1907
- Two questions
- Update on Czernowitz Cemetery Database Project
- Update on Czernowitz cemetery project
- Upon request
- View Mate VM 908 and 909-Russian Translation Requested
- Village near Czernovitz
- village: Kudrynce, Bukovina, Austria
- virus in list message?
- wald family
- wald subject
- Washington Jewish Genealogy meeting, II
- Washington Jewish Genealogy meeting, let's get together?
- We're in "Die Stimme"
- website nooze
- website stuff...
- Weitman in Tschernowitz
- Welcome Lucca, to our Czernowitz-L Mail List
- Welcome Yehudit!
- Wunsch, Heller and Bercovici family - update
- Yoel Sterntal/SHTERNTHAL etc.
- {Spam?} Czernowitz
- {Spam?} Names now included Czernowitz & Sadagora
- {Spam?} Zelig SANDLER of Kiryat Motzkin, Israel