C'z-L.. the clone has moved

From: jerome schatten <romers_at_shaw.ca>
Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2003 18:47:52 -0700
To: "czernowitz-l_at_cornell.edu" <czernowitz-l_at_cornell.edu>
Reply-To: romers_at_shaw.ca

Greetings Czernowitzers!

In anticipation of my leaving town for the month of August,
I have moved the cloned server out of my basement and into
a different location in the city. Both the regular server at
http://czernowitz.dnsalias.org and the clone across town
should be working 24/7 until I leave.

The clone has a new URL, it's not very pretty, but it was
the best I could do. It's at http://omei760.dyndns.org
The plan is to shut down the server running out of my home
when I leave for vacation, leaving only the clone running
from the remote location. The reason for this is that I
have an aversion to leaving things electronic running
unattended for extended periods of time (fire, etc.). As
well, if things go haywire, my buddy at the remote site
can try and get things running again.

Until the time that I leave, both servers will have exactly
the same material on them and both should normally be
accessible except for maintenance downtime.

I would appreciate it if, from time to time, you access
the clone in order to burn it in at the remote site. That
way any problems that surface can be dealt with before I
leave. I think the speed should be about the same if not
better than what I'm able to do at home. So, if you
do encounter any difficulties, just e-mail me describing
the problem.

Best regards,

jerome -- webperson for the Czernowitz-L listserv
Received on 2003-07-05 13:32:38

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