Fwd: Joseph Burg in Czernowitz

From: Bruce Reisch <bir1_at_nysaes.cornell.edu>
Date: Mon, 1 Dec 2003 17:40:34 -0500
To: Czernowitz-L_at_cornell.edu
Reply-To: bir1_at_nysaes.cornell.edu

<x-flowed>Dear Friends:

I am passing along this request for help for the
last Yiddish writer in Czernowitz - Joseph Burg.
I believe this to be a very legitimate request
but all arrangements to send funds are your own
responsibility. For further questions, please
contact Mr. Raymond Guggenheim <info_at_jct.ch>.

Best wishes,


--- begin forwarded text

From: "Jewish Culture Tours" <info_at_jct.ch>
To: "Bruce Reisch" <bir1_at_nysaes.cornell.edu>
Subject: Re: Fw: Joseph Burg in Czernowitz
Date: Mon, 1 Dec 2003 21:35:15 +0100

----- Original Message -----
From: <mailto:bir1_at_nysaes.cornell.edu>Bruce Reisch
To: <mailto:info_at_jct.ch>info_at_jct.ch
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 2:33 AM
Subject: Fwd: Fw: Joseph Burg in Czernowitz

Dear Ray:

It's been a long time since we've been in touch.
I would like to try to help Mr. Burg, especially
by spreading your message. If you can provide me
with an English translation of your message, I
will pass it along to many friends of the

With best wishes,

Bruce Reisch

--- begin forwarded text

From: "Thomas Weggemann" <thomas.weggemann_at_vol.at>
To: "Reisch Bruce" <bir1_at_nysaes.cornell.edu>
Subject: Fw: Joseph Burg in Czernowitz
Date: Wed, 26 Nov 2003 12:45:01 +0100

Dear Prof. Reisch , I send you this mail to help
the writer Josef Burg in Cernowitz.May be you can
show it to friends of Bukowina With best wishes
Thomas Weggemann
----- Original Message -----
From: <mailto:info_at_jct.ch>Jewish Culture Tours
To: <mailto:nicole.arato_at_bluemail.ch>Andre Arato
Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2003 8:06 PM
Subject: Joseph Burg in Czernowitz

Liebe Freunde

Dear friends

soeben habe ich einen verzweifelten Telefonanruf
von Joseph Burg aus Czernowitz erhalten. Viele
von Euch kennen Joseph Burg, den letzten grossen
jiddischen Schriftsteller aus Czernowitz,
persšnlich aus einer Begegnung in der Ukraine
oder von Lesungen in ZŸrich aus den vergangenen

Just a moment ago I received a desperate
telephone call from Joseph Burg in Czernowitz.
Many of you know Joseph Burg personally, the last
great jiddisch author from Czernowtz, either from
a direct meeting, or from his lectures he had
given in Zurich during the past years.

Joeseph Burg, 92 Jahre alt, ist sehr sehr krank
und braucht dringend finanzielle UnterstŸtzung,
da es ihm nicht mehr mšglich ist zu schreiben und
zu reisen um VortrŠge/Lesungen zu halten. Seine
Pension in der Ukraine betrŠgt 17 Dollar im
Monat, was nicht einmal reicht um seine
Wohnungsmiete zu bezahlen. Ausserdem braucht er
sehr teure Medikamente um seine schwere Krankheit
zu bekŠmpfen. Unter TrŠnen hat er mich gebeten,
meine Freunde in der Schweiz um eine finanzielle
UnterstŸtzung anzugehen. Bestimmt fŠllt ihm diese
Bitte nicht leicht, doch fŸr ihn ist es der
letzte mšgliche Ausweg um zu Ÿberleben -
wenigstens noch diesen einen Winter, wie er mir
erklŠrte! Der Winter in der Ukraine ist immer
eine sehr beschwerliche Jahreszeit.
StromausfŠlle, ungenŸgende Heizung und
VerpflegungsnotstŠnde stellen nicht nur fŸr
gesunde Menschen eine oft beinahe untragbare Last
dar - geschweige denn fŸr todkranke Menschen wie
Joseph Burg.

Joseph Burg, who is 92 years old, is very sick
and needs urgent financial help as he is not
anymore able to travel and to hold lectures. His
pension amounts to US$ 17 per month, which is not
even enough to pay for his rent. Furthermore he
needs costly medicine to fight his severe
illness. Amoung tears he was begging, to ask my
Swiss friends for financial support. It is
obvious that this act has not been mentally easy
for him, however it means the only possibility to
survive, at least this very one winter, so he
told me! Winter in the Ukraine is always a very
troublesome period. Electric failures,
insufficiant heating and lack of food support are
not only for healthy people too often a heavy
burden, not to speak about people in the
condition of Joseph Burg.

Im Namen von Joseph Burg gelange ich nun an Euch.
Falls Ihr eine Spende fŸr ihn deponieren mšchtet,
so kšnnt Ihr diese auf mein PC-Konto Nr.
87-461985-6 "Jewish Culture Tours GmbH"
Ÿberweisen. Auch fŸr "kleine" BetrŠge wird Euch
Joseph Burg sehr dankbar sein.

In the name of Josepf Burg I appeal to you. In
case you would like to contribute, you are
invited to pay to my post-account ......
Even for small amounts, Joseph Burg will be most gratefull.

In der Hoffnung, dass ich bei Euch ein offenes
Herz finden werde, verbleibe ich mit ganz
herzlichem Dank im Namen von Joseph Burg und mit
lieben GrŸssen, Euer

In the hope to find with you an open heart, I
remain with many thanks in the name of Joseph
Burg and with best regards, yours
Raymond M. Guggenheim

Raymond M. Guggenheim

According to your wish. Best regards, Raymond

--- end forwarded text

Received on 2003-12-02 08:26:11

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