Re: new member...

From: <>
Date: Tue, 9 Dec 2003 05:51:32 -0500

Ms. Yerushalmi Shalom,
I am supposed to have a Mendel Kinsbrunner as a relative.
(So it says on the Ellis Island Record)
Is this any relation to you?
Raanan Isseroff

Researching : Reifler, Dauber, Bartfeld from Chernowitz / Sadigora

On Mon, 08 Dec 2003 22:56:46 -0800 jerome schatten <>
> Dear Czernowitzers,
> Yesterday I received the message below from Yehudit
> Yerushalmi who will be joining our group. I have today sent the
> subscription information. Let's welcome Yehudit!
> Subject: born in Czernowitz
> Date: Sun, 07 Dec 2003 13:12:53 +020
> From: <>
> To:
> My parents Rosa Engelberg maiden name Kinsbruner born in
> Czernowitz and my father Herman Engelberg born in
> Zastavna, worked in the premise "Hercules". If somebody is
> connected or knew the families, please contact
> me my name is Yehudit Yerushalmi in Israel email:
> . I would much appreciat joining
> discussion about Czernovitz, I was born in 1935.
> On another note, if anyone is interested in posting a picture,
> scan of a letter (as I did yesterday) or other graphical material
> connected with their research for viewing by the group, feel free
> to e-mail me the material along with what it is that you are
> asking. I will put the material up on the website and post the
> complete URL in a message to the group so's folks can just click
> on it in order to view it. Kind of a Czernowitz ViewMate with no
> ruckus.
> Best regards,
> jerome

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Received on 2003-12-10 01:08:30

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