ebay photo + Sadagora book

From: David Glynn <glynn_at_beresford-cheam.freeserve.co.uk>
Date: Sat, 13 Dec 2003 19:25:13 -0000
To: "Czernowitz list" <Czernowitz-L_at_cornell.edu>
Reply-To: glynn_at_beresford-cheam.freeserve.co.uk

Dear all,

In response to Merle's query, the URL for the Radautz photo is


Another interesting item currently on ebay (though with only 1 1/2 days left
to go) is a book about Sadagora. This is the description:

"Judaica: "The Jewish Vatican in Sadagora 1850-1950. Volume I: History and
Golden Age 1850-1914; Historic Notes, Homoresques and Songs" (Der juedische
Vatikan in Sadagora 1850-1950. 1. Band: Werdegang und Glanzzeit 1850-1914,
Historische Notizen, Humoresken und Lieder)."
>From the diary from Ben-Saar Rubinstein. Published by the Hitachdut olei
Sadagora, Tel Aviv, in the year 1954.
The foreword states: 'the aim of this book is, to exhilarate my friends from
the Bukovina, to give them a small mirror of their happy youth, so that they
may remember those stories, to which their ancestors or themselves
62 pages, in German. The cover is somewhat damaged, the pages have some few

The URL for this is


If anyone in the group is successful with either of these, or can contribute
any background information on either of them, I would appreciate hearing
about it.


Received on 2003-12-13 18:18:13

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