Simon... This sounds like a great idea. In fact such a
spreadsheet can be posted to the website in html so everyone can
look at it. Another possible spreadsheet that I've been thinking
about for a while would be simply the Czernowitz family names
that the list members are researching and possibly (but not
necessarily) the e-mail addresses of the researchers.
On another but related note to your idea Simon, I've received
from Natasha at Hesed Shushana in Czernowitz, the images of a
1911 street directory (in German) for Czernowitz proper. The
resolution is good but the print is very small, and so another
lister and I have been working on enlarging and enhancing the
images (four pages). It is not an easy read, but it's looking
possible. If anyone is interested in translating or transcribing
it or even looking at it, it's at
There are six image files there. 2.2a.jpg and 2.2b.jpg are two
first attempts at enlarging and enhancing 2.2.jpg. Just click on
the filenames and use your browser's 'back' and 'forward' buttons
to have a look at the images. I would be interested to know if
there is enough general interest in the directory for us to keep
plugging away at the images. If anyone is an image wizard out
there and wants to try their hand at making things more legible,
that would be great.
Is it too early to wish everyone a happy Chanukah? If not, happy
Chanukah. If so, well, happy Chanukah anyway!
Simon Kreindler wrote:
> Dear Fellow Czernowitz "Listers"
> After seening Ellen Greenspan's post re her GGGF's address at 23
> Springbrunner Street, it occurred to me that since we are now a very
> substantial group and have excellent street maps of Czernowitz, it might
> be interesting to try and compile a list of the addresses of where our
> families lived in Czernowitz (if there are enough of us who know the
> street names and numbers). If we could accumulate a significant number
> of names and addresses it could possibly help us learn who some of our
> ancestor's friends and neighbours might have been. Who knows what
> connections this could one day lead to?
> If there is some interest in doing this I would be glad to compile the
> list on an Excel spread sheet and share it with everyone.
> Best regards,
> Simon
Received on 2003-12-16 07:56:05
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