RE: Cemetery register transcription - update

From: Tapper Lawrence <>
Date: Tue, 16 Dec 2003 10:01:03 -0500
To: "''" <>,

Hello Bruce,

Thank you very much for the update. I delighted with the progress your team
has made to date. I would like to thank you and the dedicated group of
volunteers for making this a digital reality.

Happy Chanukah to all,


-----Original Message-----
From: Bruce Reisch []
Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2003 9:28 AM
Cc: Paula Zieselman; Edward Mitelsbach; Harry Green; Shimon Neumann;
Peter Reiniger; Fritz Neubauer; Hymie Reichstein
Subject: Cemetery register transcription - update

Dear Friends:

Here is the next in a series of periodic updates on the project to
computerize the Czernowitz Jewish cemetery burial registers.

The number of names entered by a dedicated team of volunteers stands
at over 12,000. We're making terrific progress. We are perhaps 50%
of the way toward completion and have nearly finished the most
difficult-to-read sections.

Most of the entries from the parcel by parcel listings have now been
transcribed or sent out for transcription. These are the only source
of information for pre-1906 burials.

The Parcel listings often include the name, address, and sometimes
the relationship of a member of the family of the deceased. This is
a real bonus of information. Some of these addresses could be useful
for the project Simon Kreindler just suggested.

For those new to the list, this database will be posted to the
JewishGen web site when completed; each name will be linked to an
image of the tombstone. The JGS of Ottawa, working with George
Bolotenko and family, is to thank for obtaining the registers and
photographing the thousands of tombstones in the Czernowitz Jewish
Cemetery on Zelena Street.

I'm very impressed with the dedicated team of volunteers who are
working so hard and carefully to create an accurate and complete
database from these handwritten, often hard-to-read burial registers.
We are up to 19 volunteers, and I'd like to acknowledge the following
new volunteers since the last posting:

Paula Zieselman
Edward Mitelsbach
Harry Green"
Shimon Neumann
Peter Reiniger
Fritz Neubauer

Happy Chanukah!

Bruce Reisch
Researching: REISCH, SCHECHTER, FEUERSTEIN - Sadgura, Bukowina, Ukraine
Solca, Bukowina, Romania
WEISSMAN - Brody, Galicia, Ukraine SCHACHTER, HELLMANN - Okup, Ukraine
Received on 2003-12-16 10:18:53

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