Re: Springbrunner Street

From: David Glynn <>
Date: Wed, 17 Dec 2003 01:31:58 -0000
To: <>

Dear Ellen,

I have had a look through the pictures on "our" site, and also on Peter
Elbau's "Bukowina" site, and you are right, there seems to be no picture of
Springbrunnen Gasse.

I have also checked through my own modest collection of Czernowitz
postcards, and it's not there either.

I do try to look out for Czernowitz postcards, so I will "keep my eyes

BUT I think that one of the pictures on the site might be relevant, and that
is "eg-czernowitz-c". Which I think might be yours ?!! I feel that
Springbrunnen Gasse must be somewhere in the foreground or middle distance
in the right half of the picture. It's difficult to make out where the
streets are in the picture, to relate them to the map. Anyway, it is the
right part of town.

Again, if I succeed in making more sense of this picture in terms of the
map, I will let you know.

Best regards and best wishes for Chanukah,

David Glynn

PS In the book "Czernowitz Bukowina 1890-1910 Album", published in Austria,
there is a picture of Turkenbrunnen, which is near to Springbrunnen Gasse.
(This is on the "bukowina" site also.) But of course, it's not what you
really want!

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, December 14, 2003 6:15 PM
Subject: Springbrunner Street

> I recently found out that my great-great grandfather Aron Schiffmann lived
at 23 Springbrunner Street in Czernowitz. Another uncle lived at #13 on that
block. Would anyone have a picture of this street? There's nothing with that
label on our picture site. I would greatly appreciate it. Regards to all,
Ellen Greenspan.
Received on 2003-12-17 08:29:05

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