"A Garden of Yiddish With a Soil That Bred Poets" - NY Times article about Josef Burg and Czernowitz (Feb. 25, 1992)

From: Renee Steinig <rsteinig_at_suffolk.lib.ny.us>
Date: Mon, 02 Feb 2004 09:42:53 -0500
To: czernowitz-l_at_cornell.edu
Reply-To: rsteinig_at_suffolk.lib.ny.us

A long article about Josef Burg and Czernowitz, "A Garden of Yiddish
With a Soil That Bred Poets," appeared in the New York Times on Feb. 25,
1992. I'll attempt to attach it to this message. If you don't receive it
and want a copy, please let me know via a private email. Please note: I
accessed the article using the ProQuest Historical Newspapers database
and can only send it as a PDF file, to be opened with Adobe Acrobat
http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html .


Renee Stern Steinig
Dix Hills (Long Island), NY

-----Original Messages-----

Madelon Fleminger wrote...

For all the praise, I cannot find an entry for him in Google, except for
a newspaper article. Specifically, I am looking for titles of novels and
short story collections. Worrisome is that I also got nothing from
Amazon when I ran his name through.

Bernie Levy wrote...

His surname is spelled Burg. And his first name might sometimes be
shown of Joseph. Beware that there is also another Josef Burg, a former
Israeli politician whose son is Avraham, currently or recently in the
I suggest the Google arguments "Josef Burg" yiddish.

Attachment converted: Macintosh HD:579437572_1.pdf (PDF /CARO) (0006327D)
Received on 2004-02-02 11:38:15

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