Yiddish letters about the founding of Poalei Zion in Czernowitz

From: Miriam R. Taylor <mtaylor_at_bio.indiana.edu>
Date: Wed, 11 Feb 2004 10:06:23 -0500
Reply-To: mtaylor_at_bio.indiana.edu
To: CZERNOWITZ-L <CZERNOWITZ-L_at_cornell.edu>

Dear all,

I have in my possession letters which my grandfather, Saul Leib Steinmetz
wrote in Yiddish, in 1938. One of them describes the founding of the
Zionist movement "Poalei Zion" in Czernowitz in the year 1903, other
letters tell about Zionist related events in the early part of the 20th
Anyone interested please let me know and I will scan and mail these letters
to you. For those of you who do not know Yiddish, or have trouble reading
the handwriting, I can easily translate the letters to English or Hebrew.
                                                   Best regards to all,

Received on 2004-02-11 10:37:50

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