[Cz-L] long forgotten, suddenly remembered...

From: Lucca Ginsburg <lucca99_at_netvision.net.il>
Date: Mon, 29 Mar 2004 09:06:09 EST
To: czernowitz czernowitz <Czernowitz-L_at_cornell.edu>
Reply-To: lucca99_at_netvision.net.il

<x-charset windows-1255>Did you ever notice on photos and pictures which you've seen of
Czernowitz that most of our city's streets were "cobbled"? Little
fiendish squares surrounded by narrow strips of earth which were
meant to challenge the ladies who insisted on wearing high heels...
I was so thrilled to get my first pair of not even very high-heeled
shoes at the age of 15 as a present from my grand-father for Pessach.
Immediately I became a not very talented balancing artist, wobbling
to the left and to the right and wondering how my mother and my aunts
could do it, while I could never take my eyes off the street watching
every step I was taking! Looking at old photos, I smile because I
know the exact reason for the pained expression on my face, I simply
never got the hang of moving ahead in those slippers!

But then came the day we left Czernowitz and all of Europe and moved
on to much more sophisticated asphalt. I suppose I forgot those
cobbles until one day I met them again while visiting Amsterdam, and
I greeted them like old friends, or enemies as it were!
They brought back memories of intimate, narrow streets and lanes
whose every corner was a separate and exciting scene, and again I had
one of my frequent and private little battles with homesickness.

Received on 2004-03-29 09:23:01

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