[Cz-L] Elite primary school

From: Berti Glaubach <berti_at_netvision.net.il>
Date: Sat, 24 Jul 2004 06:59:28 EDT
To: Czernowitz-L_at_cornell.edu
Reply-To: berti_at_netvision.net.il

<x-charset windows-1255>Hello all,

Not having questions concerning family, would like to contact any past
colleagues from primary school in Czernowitz, i.e. the "Elite" school I
frequented from first to forth grade, from 1936 to 1940. The school was on
Gregorgasse 5, then Nicolae Iorga, not far from the university buildings ,

We were some 20+ pupils mostly boys, only 5 girls, also majority of Jews.
I have contact with 3 of them, know about some that passed away in
Transnistria, Siberia, Bucarest, and England. Still, I hope there are some
alive, specially non - Jews in Europe. I remember my good friend Marcar
Jazeidjan, also one Aurel Turtureanu, 2 German boys Karl Erich Maria
Hoffmann and Heinrich Kos, and a girl Dita Chiselita, there was also one
Lupu -Strejac, a young declared anti- semite, but after so many years could
be interesting to hear from anyone. And is there anybody who knows about
Ruthi Schletter (I think mother's name was Koerner) ?

The teachers were all gentile - from director Vihneanu (4th grade) to Mrs
Tomiuc (1st).

Attached a foto taken last year of the redone facade of the school - on the
right there is also a small additional building covering the sight of the
court from the street.

Anyone ring a bell ? Feel free to contact me.

Berti Glaubach - Haifa -Israel

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Berti directly if you wish to view the photo of the school.]

Received on 2004-07-25 07:59:15

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