>------------------- Message requiring your approval ------------------
>From: jerome schatten <romers_at_shaw.ca>
>To: czernowitz-l_at_cornell.edu
>Subject: Czernowitz Street Name Translator
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>Greetings Czernowitzers!
>I'm pleased to tell you that on the 'new' website I've added the work of
>Bruce Reisch and Yossi Eshet -- a spreadsheet giving the translation from
>German -> Romanian and Romanian -> German for the street names on the
>Romanian period map. The translated names are keyed to the map co-ordinates
>which should make it quite useful for research purposes.
>Go to the new site: http://members.shaw.ca/czernowitz/ and click on
>'Czernowitz Street Name Translator in the Menu on the left.
>There are actually two sheets and a link to the map from which the data was
>taken. If you have the Excel programme on your computer you will be able to
>view the Excel file directly with your browser. If not, you can view the
>data using your browser by selecting the HTML version of the file. Both can
>be downloaded. The map should be readable from your browser, but it may
>take some time to load as it's large. It can be downloaded as well. BTW,
>it was I that added the HTML version which isn't exactly a thing of beauty,
>so don't blame Bruce <g>. If you need help downloading, send me an email and
>indicate what operating system you're using and how you tried to do it.
>Confession: Unfortunately, I find that I'm unable to keep the old site
>updated because of time constraints, so from here on, new materials, changes
>and corrections will appear on the new site only. The old site remains
>operational and serves as pointer to the new site if nothing else.
>Best regards,
Received on 2004-07-31 22:12:18
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