[Cz-L] Family names ARMIN, WOLF and more

From: <RAROSE10_at_aol.com>
Date: Sat, 18 Sep 2004 17:59:53 EDT
To: Czernowitz-L_at_cornell.edu
Reply-To: RAROSE10_at_aol.com

Since the high holidays upon us,I would like to list the names that I am
researching for I have researched years for them with some success
but would like
to get the brick walls down and need help; The first name lived there before
immigrating to the USA and am sure that there is another surname that I am
researching from
there. ARMIN,Emil,
help on.On gfathers obit it stated that he had a
sister besides two brothers and mother-her name is Ida Weintraub Hertzberg.At
first I thought that she immigrated to this country-to Chicago in
fact, now I have
decided that she never did. I thought that she and husband did move to Chicago
because the brothers did-but the information that I got, sent by libraries
and other genners was wrong. First of all the parents names were Philip and
Mollie Weintraub and I do not think that her death date is right
either.The death
certificate stated that she died in the eightys,How could this be when my
gfather died in 1926 and born on April 29,1863 (1872)?I have it that
she married
Joseph and they lived in Litvia
I do not want to write other facts for on this ,I feel is the wrong place to
place this plea but I do need help and I do not know how to get it or where.

   Rose Weintraub Hoffman

d born on April 29,1863(to 1872)

(Moderator's Note: Rose tells me that the only surnames definitely
originating in Bukovina are ARMIN and WOLF.)
Received on 2004-09-18 19:29:00

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