Re: [Cz-L] Location of Cafe de L'Europe

From: Lucca Ginsburg <>
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 2004 08:45:21 EDT
To: czernowitz czernowitz <>,

   Hi David,
   The Cafe L'Europe was on the Herrengasse, corner with the Dr. Rothgasse.
   Right next to it, into the Dr. Roth Gasse, was a large free terrain, which
became a popular skating ring for young people in winter. I skated there
once when I was six years old, fell on know what and caught a cold
too, which put an end to my glorious skating career. I would have tried
again, but my mother put in a decisive veto and said: "you have other

   The same terrain hosted a visiting zoo. I fell in love with a polar bear
there and couldn't be moved from him except by force. All other events and
happenings which needed large and free space happened there.

   But getting back to Cafe l'Europe: it was - I think -the most fashionable
cafe in Czernowitz. You could find there newspapers and magazines in dozens
of languages and..smoking was allowed. Ladies visited in the afternoons and
gossiped there with a vengeance. When there was nothing left to gossip
about, they started a game of cards (mostly rummy).

   I was often taken along by my mother and petted and admired there by the
other ladies. It was kind of disappointing to find out that other children
which were occasionally brought along, were no less petted and admired, no
matter whether they were lovable or not. Nevertheless the place held a
certain magic for me. The cakes were excellent, and the company was not less

   On my return visit to Czernowitz about 8 years ago, I found the cafe
standing proudly and mostly unchanged. On the outside. Upon the advice from
wiser people, I did not venture inside. Some memories should remain

   Once more I have some photos on which Mr. Friedmann, the owner and manager
of the famous Friedmann restaurant can be seen. Since I do not have a
scanner, I will send those photos - again - to Jerome and he will handle
them further. By the way, Jerome, I need your postal address again, God only
knows where I noted it down last time you you transmitted it to me.

   It was nice talking to the Czernowitz group again after a long time.
   All the best, Lucca
Received on 2004-10-29 09:15:02

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