Re: [Cz-L] Questions by Bruce Wexler

From: Bruce Reisch <>
Date: Sun, 5 Dec 2004 10:17:24 -0500

<x-flowed>Hi Bruce:

I can't answer your questions definitively, but here are some thoughts.

>1) Why would only one child out of at least seven (she is the second)
>be recorded? (The marriage is stated as legitimate)

a) The record books may be incomplete for the years in question.
b) Your researcher didn't do a thorough job.
c) The birth may have been recorded elsewhere.

>2) My grandmother, who was the oldest of the seven children was born
>in 1885. This is verified by both my mother, my grandmother's death
>certificate, and various other American sources. Yet the birth record
>of my great aunt states that she was born in June 1885.

It is common in my family to find that among the immigrant
generation, they "tweaked" their ages a bit to make themselves seem
younger. All documentation here points to one birth date, but the
records in Europe (Radauti) confirm that my grandmother and most of
her sisters were really older than they said they were.

>3) In the column for address, it shows the house number, but not the
>street name. Why would this be done?

In the 1800s, the houses were numbered and no "street address" as we
know it was used. There was only one house per number in the entire
city/village/town. I don't know when the practice changed to the
combined use of a number and street name. The local town hall may
still have information that relates the house number from the 1800s
to a current street address.

>4) I have received a spreadsheet of the burial registry for
>Czernowitz with literally a few dozen people with the surnames I am
>looking for. Why would no death records exist for these people?

a) The record books may be incomplete for the years in question.
b) Your researcher didn't do a thorough job.

Hope this helps.

Bruce Reisch
Geneva, New York

>Any suggestions to the answers to these questions, would be greatly
>Bruce Wexler
>Jackson, NJ USA
>researching DORF, KREMENITZ, RUFF IN Czernowitz; WECHSLER in
>Tarnapol; MARCUS in Iasi, Romania
Received on 2004-12-05 10:49:16

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