[Cz-L] From Nu? What's New? -- maps

From: jerome schatten <romers_at_shaw.ca>
Date: Tue, 21 Dec 2004 17:01:44 EST
To: czernowitz-l_at_cornell.edu
Reply-To: romers_at_shaw.ca

Czernowitzers... This is from Nu? What's New? - Vol. 5, No. 23 in case
you missed it:

Excellent Military Maps of 19th-Century Europe
  Avotaynu will shortly publish a Gazetteer of the Kingdom of Hungary
compiled by Jordan Auslander. In the bibliography at the end of the book,
Auslander mentions Austro-Hungarian Empire Topographic Maps located at
http://lazarus.elte.hu/hun/digkonyv/topo/3felmeres.htm. I visited the site
and it reminded me that I had reported this site's existence in Vol. 4, No.
20 (November 23, 2003) issue of Nu? What's New?. At that time, I noted it
had excellent detailed maps of most of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. In
revisiting the site this week, I found it has been updated and now includes
maps for most of continental Europe: from Strassbourg, France (07ƒ
longitude) in the west to Kiyev, Ukraine (30ƒ30' longitude) in the east.
>From Volkovysk, Belarus (53ƒ30' latitude) in the north to northern Greece
(39ƒ latitude) in the south. The maps are typically 3-4MB downloads and show
the smallest of towns. The detail is 1:200000. Researchers looking for
turn-of-the-20th-century maps of the area that includes their ancestral
shtetls, will find these maps ideal. They were created in 1910.

The maps are simply outstanding. I downloaded thirty maps using the map
that contained Czernowitz as the center, and branching radially outward. --
This map series uses Ferro, not Greenwich, as longitude 0 degrees. To
convert to Ferro from Greenwich, add 17 degrees 40 minutes to the Greenwich

I'm planning to put as many relevent maps as I can onto a CD along with the
overview map for future reference. I'll let you know how it all turns out.

Best regards,

<Moderator's Note: Back issues of Nu? What's
New? are available at
Received on 2004-12-21 17:20:11

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