RE: [Cz-L] New on or with the website: Jan. 8th 2006

From: <>
Date: Mon, 09 Jan 2006 14:19:56 -0600
To: 'jerome schatten' <>

Thanks Jerome!

We could start with the map of the Bukowina, since it is so inclusive and
allows everyone to recall their preferred associations.

Thanks again,

-----Original Message-----
From: jerome schatten []
Sent: Monday, January 09, 2006 11:41 AM
Subject: Re: [Cz-L] New on or with the website: Jan. 8th 2006 wrote:
> Dear Jerome,
> Many thanks for maintaining this web site!
> With all love and respect, would it be more optimistic to show on the root
> web page an image of something positive about the wonderful life our
> have had in Czernowitz?
> Though I had to wear the Yellow Star in the Czernowitz Ghetto, the
> we love has a wonderful connotation that I would like to be able to show
> my children and grandchildren.
> It may not be an easy choice, but there are plenty of old photos of people
> and places. The Jewish house, the theater, the university (so much tied to
> the history, good and bad) or the temple come to mind. Or just photos of
> people when they were happy. Over a 170 happy years with great history and
> wonderful multi-ethnic empire.
> Your Henry

Henry, thanks for your comments and suggestions. Indeed I would be most
pleased to change the picture periodically and would be open to anyone
selecting a picture or providing one. So pick something or send
something and up it will go.

I think there are around 700 pictures on this site and certainly more
than that hiding in the shoe boxes and albums of list members.

In the past there were a number of pictures on the home page: The
Czernowitz street sign, the hat shop, the temple, Lucca's family, the
Bukovina map, a 1911 Czernowitz post card, the Rathaus, etc. Running two
cemetery pictures in a row however, was probably not a great choice on
my part.

I do try and stay away from the 'classic' Czernowitz shots of the
University, the Theatre and Jewish House, etc., as I thought they had
been done so well elsewhere.

Anyway, consider this an open invitation to you Henry and to all the
list to select and/or provide pictures for the home page.

Received on 2006-01-09 12:25:06

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