Re: [Cz-L] help wanted to locate addresses

From: Miriam Taylor <>
Date: Tue, 07 Feb 2006 10:52:31 -0500 (EST)
To: David Glynn <>, Czernowitz <>


> I wonder if anyone might be able to advise me how easy it would be to locate
> these addresses in modern Chernivtsi. Is the street numbering still the
> same? I don't suppose anyone has a map with house numbers shown? Or if the
> numbering was changed, is there any way of finding the new numbers given the
> old ones?


The house numbers on the Str. Stefan cel Mare are such that even numbers
are on the west side of the street, the left when you go towards the
Ringplatz and the odd numbers are on the right or east side of the street.
The numbers go up in the southern or away from the Ringplatz direction.
When I was in Chernivtsi in 2003 and 2004, our guide, Zoya Danilovitch
was able to take us to every location I had the old address of.
I went to many addresses of which I had no personal knowledge;
houses people had asked me take photographs of, or houses in which some
of my family had lived before I was born and which I had probably never
visited as a child.

In all cases but one, the house numbers were the same as they had been
during the Romanian period. The exception was my paternal grandparents'
house, on the Verlangerte Pumnulgasse - Strada Aron Pumnul, which is in
Manasteriska, a suburb (this word had a non desirable connotation) of
Czernowitz. We asked a passer-by where the house, we were looking for was
and he was able to direct us to the correct house.
By the way; The parents and grandparents of Charles German and Miriam Suss,
lived on the same street and the 3 families knew each other.

Best regards,
Received on 2006-02-07 08:44:06

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