[Fwd: Re: [czernowitz2006] Re: [Cz-L] Norman Manea]

From: Gabriele Weissmann <G.Weissmann_at_gmx.de>
Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2006 07:42:29 -0500 (EST)
To: czernowitz-L_at_cornell.edu, miriam Taylor <mirtaylo_at_indiana.edu>
Reply-to: G.Weissmann_at_gmx.de

>Dear Mimi,
>Yes, I hope the comments are welcome.
>Just for correctness - we have acted in the film "Dieses Jahr in
>Czernowitz", in which Norman Manea also "starred". We have also read
>some of his books,
>one of his latest is named in English "The hooligan's return" and was
>published in recent years. Manea was _not_ born in Czernowitz, but in
>Falticeni, his mother was a Czernowitzer, but they lived in Suceava he
>likes to be associated with Czernowitz because of Celan, etc. He does
>not like to be called a "Jewish" author, yet, when asked what
>Jewishness remains in a Jew who is not religious, nor zionist, nor knows
>the language of the Talmud, he replied without hesitation "a lot"
>He lived a long time in ROMANIA (present spelling) and was not
>particularly "Jewish" - and yet, he always was, and is, in search of
>his Jewish roots, in need to feel his "roots". He was born in 1936, and
>went to a Russian school still in Transnistria.
>Manea speaks Romanian because he grew up later, after the war, in
>Romania, and lived there until he left in 1986, it is his literary
>language, but his German is
>also fairly good.
>Gabriele Weissmann
>Kaiserdamm 18
>D- 14057 Berlin
>Tel./Fax: +49.30.321 15 38
>E-Mail: G.Weissmann_at_gmx.de
Received on 2006-03-24 05:50:39

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