[Cz-L] Memorial service at Jewish cemetery of Czernowitz

From: Bruce Reisch <bir1_at_nysaes.cornell.edu>
Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2006 08:00:39 -0400
To: Czernowitz-L_at_cornell.edu
Reply-to: bir1_at_nysaes.cornell.edu

Forwarded from Mimi Taylor <mirtaylo_at_indiana.edu>:

Dear Czernowitzers, reunion participants and those who might be in
Chernivtsi on May 21, 2006,

On the morning of May 21, we will have a memorial service at the
"Beit Oylem". The reunion participants will be taken and returned by bus.

All late comers, members of the Jewish community of Chernivtsi, all those
who are coming with the group of Dan Marian are welcome to participate in
this service, but will need to provide their own transportation.

The memorial service will start at 9:30 and finish no later than 12:30.
Dr. Jacky Heyman will lead us in a traditional prayer service.
After the service, anyone who wishes, will be able to speak to us all
Spontaneously, in English, Hebrew, Yiddish or German.

Please both men and women, whether you are inclined this way, or not,
bring a head covering.

We need volunteers to bring Xerox copies of the necessary prayers and
readings, please contact Florence Heymann <floheymann_at_hotmail.com> to
coordinate this with her husband Jacky.

Should the morning of May 21 be rainy, we will have the talks and
discussions in the morning, and the memorial service in the afternoon.

Check with me on the morning of May 21, between 8:00 and 8:30.
I will be staying at the Cheremosh.

As discussed previously, we would like keep this event as private as
possible. Open only to Jewish Czernowitzers, their relatives and friends,
whether Czernowitzers or not, Jewish or not.
Those participating in the service, may photograph, film or record it,
but please do not disrupt the proceedings, do not zoom in, zero in,
on anyone in obvious emotional distress.


Best regards,


If you know of anyone interested in participating in this memorial service,
Who does not have email, is not on one of the two Czernowitz lists, please
inform them.
Received on 2006-04-28 07:16:44

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