Hi Mimi, Hi all!
I believe we could be considered as representative of
Cz's former Jewish population, provided we organise in
a way enabling us to legally speak with one voice for
all <external affairs>. But, if this has to be done
properly - with status, registration etc, - it would
be too cumbersome.
Nevertheless, in a case like the 600Y celebration, we
can very well act as if we were fully representative,
because we have the site, we came in May 2006 from all
over the world and our number is still growing over
time (information that we exist is mainly done by word
of mouth and that's quite efficient over time);
besides, I agree with Cornel that you should add to
that number all those who connect and read without
signing up.
Now, I would have gladly taken over such
responsibility (if elected) - after all, I used to be
considered as an efficient negotiator and MD by my
colleagues - but, starting early August, I'll be <on
the road> for about a year, meaning I'll not be
permanently available. I'll only connect from time to
time, whenever possible, and, therefore, I can just
apply for an (in and out) <adviser> position.
Now, I agree with Mimi that this is not the right time
to organise, even un-officially, while our friends in
Haifa and in other Israeli places are under fire. But
I had to tell you this, before being out of reach.
Let's wait till September, for example,
Regards to all,
--- Miriam Taylor <mirtaylo_at_indiana.edu> wrote:
> Dear Czernowitzers,
> I wrote this letter before receiving the latest
> letter from Marianne Hirsch
> dated July 23 and therefore it is not in answer to
> Marianne's letter.
> Marianne suggests that we become a proper
> organization with elected
> subcommittees authorized to conduct polls and act
> for all of us. This is a
> possibility, but I think it needs to be weighed
> carefully and suggest that
> while most of us are preoccupied with Israel's fight
> against Hitzbollah, we
> delay such considerations.
> My letter:
> In answer to the recent correspondence about
> whether we should respond to
> the request of Mr. Kilinich as a group or as
> individuals and the problem of
> how to handle any joint activities:
> As Jerome pointed out, we are not really a group and
> therefore speaking in a
> united voice requires a lot of debate and is made
> almost impossible because
> we do not have the required structure. Many, or most
> Jewish Czernowitz and
> Bukowina natives and their descendants, do not
> belong to the Cz.-List, the
> Cz.-List does not represent them and does not have
> the right to speak in
> their name or to make decisions which may adversely
> affect the fate of
> former Jewish community properties such as the
> "Tempel" and the cemetery.
> When we discuss a joint activity which does not
> represent us to the outside
> world as a group and does not affect general
> interests, we can form smaller
> groups or lists, within which we can achieve
> sufficient consensus to satisfy
> those who are participating in this special group or
> list. This is what
> happened in the case of the "Czernowitz Reunion
> 2006". This is also what
> will likely happen in the case of the proposed
> meeting in Israel this
> December.
> I think that in the case of the cemetery, the
> "Tempel" and memorials to the
> Jewish presence in Czernowitz, we have to
> distinguish between two types of
> activities:
> A) those that do not reflect upon all of us as a
> group and do not
> materially affect the attitude of the Chernivtsi
> authorities towards
> these structures and
> B) projects and activities which do reflect upon all
> of us and possibly
> affect the attitudes of the Chernivtsi authorities.
> If some of us raise enough money to clean-up the
> cemetery and proceed to do
> so, there is no harm caused. Similarly, if
> individuals suggest to Mr.
> Kilinich that in preparation for the 600 year
> celebration, the city put up
> memorial plaques. But if some of us as a group
> purporting to represent all
> of us, make demands upon the city administration,
> this may dispose them to
> turn a deaf ear to all our requests.
> Regards to all and special good wishes to our
> Israeli members,
> Mimi
Received on 2006-07-23 22:07:07
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