After having agreed that the Temple site, in its present condition =
,is a disgrace and
an insult to everyone of us and that with the occasion of the 600 year =
celebration something can be hoped for to improve on this , let us =
consider some facts:
1. The Czernowitzer Jewry, who was the dominant factor in the town for =
has little to show for its past splendor.
The Germans , who were a much smaller minority, have the Deutsche =
beautifully maintained in German medieval style although there are no =
left in town. Is it done with German money ? I don't know.
The Poles have Dom Polsky .
What is there to show the Jewish heritage of Czernowitz ?
A few plaques and statues in places hard to find.
I went through central Czernowitz looking for something ,a name ,a =
street,a sign ..
... nothing ,nothing at all.
This is the mark left by a people who held the predominance of the =
city for centuries?
The people.who held all the trade and professions ,were most of the =
doctors, lawyers , writers ?
The people who owned most shops , factories and banks ?
Nothing , nada, nitchewo..
2. All the above lead to only one solution : the Temple
Mimi wants to verify ownership of the Temple.
Ownership would be irrelevant , provided the city does as =
According to Cornel's findings the blowing up of the remaining =
walls will
bring down buildings on the Temple street and this we don't want , =
although it would
clear some ground for what I have in mind.
Leave the walls as a historic reminder.
Rebuild the Temple as a Music Hall -( Opera - if you wish), to the =
latest in acoustics and architecture.
Make it a classic building with doric columns ,have jewish symbols =
in the ornamentation .
Name it Evreisky Dom or Joseph Schmidt Hall or any other jewish =
related name.
By the way , there is not an Opera in Western Ukraina except Lwiw.
Make an opening with a La Scala cast.
This would answer all.
Am I dreaming ?
Maybe , but I enjoy the thought.
Received on 2006-07-17 08:02:04
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