Rarancea is a place name of importance in my Kula, Wechser (Wekser), Zuckerman,
Bruckenthal, Rostolder, Buchbaum, Held search.
Dov (David Wechser) ran estates in Rarancea, and my grandfather Gildah (George)
Zuckerman was laid off from an estate when the landowner had to sell. George
then became what is call an Americaner. He traveled back and forth from America
to Czernowitz to make a living. I have his passport and travel papers. He was
born in Sadegura. My mother to recall summers spent in Rarancea with the
Weschsers. Wish new more.
To answer Frances' question, yes I have looked over the names submitted to the
list and e-mailed everyone before I turned to the group as a whole.I have
done a lot of searching in the last 10 years, but mainly on my father's side of
the family Leiter/Sobel from the Nadworna area. My Rabbi gave me an article on
on the Czernowitz group. I must say it is one of the most outstanding groups
I have joined in search of family links.
Gail Long
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