[Cz-L] Preliminary visions of "Czernowitz: Town With a Jewish Past"

From: Steven Lasky <steve725_at_optonline.net>
Date: Sun, 25 May 2008 22:03:45 -0400
To: Czernowitz Genealogy and History <czernowitz-l_at_list.cornell.edu>
Reply-to: Steven Lasky <steve725_at_optonline.net>


I am continuing the construction of my future online-only exhibition
"Czernowitz: Town With a Jewish Past."

Perhaps you would like to see what I have done so far, though you should
realize that it is a work-in-progress and is far from being finished. Not
all the links work and much needs to be done.
My recommendation is that if you'd like to see this work-in-progress, you
use only the links on the main exhibition page, i.e.
www.museumoffamilyhistory.com/czernowitz.htm , and go to each section of the
exhibition from there.

Here are the sections that you can visit, that have at least some material
to view. You are, of course, welcome to check back to this exhibition from
time to time to see what is new, or I can just announce new web pages to the
group as the exhibition evolves.

Here are the links that lead to already constructed web pages. Find them on
my main Czernowitz exhibition page:

Photographic Studios
Schools of Czernowitz
Prelude to War
The Second World War
After the War
The Town I Called Home (additional link on this page called "Shpatsirn")

Of course you should feel free to make suggestions, though it is more
helpful to me if you make some sort of contribution to the exhibition, e.g.
you may discover that you have something to say about Czernowitz, and this
may have a place within this exhibition. Whether you are from there and
would like to write something about your life experiences there, or if you
have memories of your family members who came from Czernowitz, and would
like to write something, let me know.

Since there seemingly is no film footage available to me of pre-war
Czernowitz, I am hoping that some of you who once lived in Czernowitz would
consider providing oral testimony by tape recording your story and sending
it to me. I can always edit it. Now that I know how to create audio and
video clips, the sky's the limit. It certainly would be nice to have a
multimedia exhibition with both sound and video, wouldn't it?

To give you an example of what I've done with video, I have put online
excerpts of testimony of two friends from Hungary, themselves survivors of
the war, who were interviewed by the Shoah Foundation Institute in 1995.
They sent me the DVDs given to them by the Institute, I made copies of their
DVDs, returned it to them, then made eight video clips for each of them and
placed them online within my "Walk in my Shoes: Collected Memories of the
Holocaust" exhibition. You can see it at
www.museumoffamilyhistory.com/family-history-theatre.htm . Just click on the
"Walk in my Shoes" link at the far right of the page. The one caveat is that
if you're using phone lines for internet service, the download time will
probably be interminably long. Also you should have a newer version of your
media player, e.g. Apple QuickTime or Windows Media Player 7 or above. As a
side note

, I just put online a rather large exhibition about Al Jolson
(www.museumoffamilyhistory.com/ajolson.htm .) If you were or are a fan of
his, you should definitely visit this new online exhibition.

So, if you were interviewed by the Shoah Foundation Institute and can make a
copy of the DVD of your interview and mail it to me, I can make some video
clip excerpts of your interview and include some excerpts of these within my
online exhibition. It would be great, by my way of thinking, to include
personal testimony. By the way, I have done all of this with the approval of
the Shoah Foundation Institute, though it took a while to satisfy their
conditions of use.

So I hope you approve of what I've done so far. It really is a very small
portion of what I'd like to do with my Czernowitz exhibition. Doing
everything myself without help and not being from Czernowitz, I am at a bit
of a disadvantage. However, I believe my creativity and dedication work to
my advantage, and when finished, I hope to have created an online exhibition
to be proud of.

As I've said before, having an exhibition about Czernowitz online allows
anyone around the world to see it, i.e. one does not have to go to a
geographic location to see the exhibition, worry about exhibition space or
accessibility, nor does one have to spend any money at all in attending this
type of online exhibition.

Again, the link to my main Czernowitz page is
www.museumoffamilyhistory.com/czernowitz.htm . I lastly wish to thank Jerome
and Bruce and all of you who have expressed an interest in my project. I
also want to thank all of you who have allowed me to use the material that
you either sent to me personally or that you placed on the Czernowitz-L

Steven Lasky
New York
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