Miriam (Mimi) Taylor <mirtaylo_at_indiana.edu>
"Istanbul was once Constantinopolis", does anyone remember the song?
If we are not careful, someone is going to make a funny movie
about us and our debates. We will be held up for ridicule.
Put your energies into finding good photographs of Bernard Reder sculptures
which are needed for the museum. Look into what may be available from the
Museum of Modern Art in N.Y. And from the Herzliah museum.
Czernowitz produced only one sculptor of world-wide repute.
And he was Jewish.
And he will not be represented in the museum?
> Dear Hardy and all,
> I was born in CZERNOWITZ and not in "This City,"
> In 1937 it was Romania and the city was called CERNA˜UT¸I
> Now Czernowitz is in the Ukraine and they call it CHENIVTSI (???????? =
> So what is the problem?
> Arthur
>> Hi Andy,
>> Bombay is Portuguese not British.
>> Bucharest is English, Bukarest is German.
>> Why the Rumanian accepted these versions ?
>> They probably liked it better than Bucuresti.
>> What is wrong in naming the town in each ver=
sion in the particular
>> language ?
>> The Rumanians will find Czernowitz in the English ver=
sion and feel
>> slighted ?
>> Let them be.
>> I was born in 1932 and Cernauti was a foreig=
n word in our house.
>> The drafts are fine, let us not lose time=
and push ahead.
>> I have a feeling that we will now f=
ace the city censorship.
>> They have the final say.
>> Not on how we call the =
city ,but on the all the rest .
>> =
>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Andrew Halmay" <venivici_at_rogers.com>
>> <mailto:venivici_at_rogers.com>
>> To: "Czernowitz Genealogy and History" <czernowitz-l_at_list.cornell.edu>
>> <mailto:czernowitz-l_at_list.cornell.edu>
>> Sent: Sunday, May 25, 2008 4:20 PM
>> Subject: [Cz-L] Re: czernowitz-l digest: May 24, 2008
>>> Re: the plaque, the plaque - I promised myself to stay out of this
>>> discussion
>>> which has taken on a global dimension but I feel compelled to comment t=
>>> in
>>> my humble opinion Charles Rosner's suggestion to refer to the city as "=
>>> City," is a brilliant one.
>>> I have for some years wondered why Romania has accepted outsiders' vers=
>>> of their city names. Bucuresti is referred to Bucharest even by many
>>> Romanians. I don't know how and when and why this German version of =
>>> capital's name came into use.
>>> Technically all of us Czernowitzers who are under the age of 90 were bo=
rn in
>>> Cernauti. Our parents were born in Czernowitz. A new member in my fa=
>>> once asked me, "What shall I call you?" and I responded, "The name is A=
>>> but I'll respond to 'Hey, you,' so call me anything but don't call afte=
r 11
>>> p.m." Names shouldn't mean anything but they do to many people. I=
ndia in
>>> recent years changed the name of its famous city, Bombay, to Mumbai,
>>> doubtlessly out of some national pride since Bombay may have been the n=
>>> given by the British occupiers. Many Indians still refer to it as Bo=
>>> but
>>> out of respect I call it Mumbai.
>>> Respect for the feelings of all others is important. "This city" sho=
>>> really be adopted for the plaque.
>>> Best wishes,
>>> Andy Halmay
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