Re: [Cz-L] jewish museum and exhibit in Chernivtsi

From: <>
Date: Sat, 12 Apr 2008 22:28:32 -0400

According to what Radu Ioanid writes in his book
"Holocaustul in Romania" there are various estimates
as to the number of Romanian Jews killed in Transnistria.
According to one estimate 87.000 Romanian Jews and
130.000 local (Transnistrian) Jews died in Transnistria.
According to another estimate, 155.000 Romanian Jews and
115 local Ukrainian Jews died in Transnistria.

There are Romanian reports according to which in Sept. 1942,
90.334 Jews from Bukovina had been deported to Transnistrtia
and 19.089 had not been deported. But the deportations continued.

As Elie Wiesel writes on the back of the book; I translate:
One has to have much strength to read this book from
the first page to the last.

I do not



> My late mother, Pearl Spiegel Fichman, had made some undated working notes,
> I think using books in her library, trying to estimate the number of
> Jews from
> Romania that had lived and died through deportations to Transnistria and
> Transilvania (her spelling, if I am reading her writing correctly). I came
> across the notes yesterday, going through old papers.
> She wrote that in 1930 there were 757,000 Jews in Romania, that 135,000 died
> in Transilvania and 250,000 died in Transnistria. Therefore, she calculated
> that 385,000 Jews died through these deportations and 372,000 survived. She
> was just making notes for herself, so I don't have the sources she used, nor
> can I ask her how 'solid' these numbers were.
> Are others on the list able to validate or correct what she was trying to
> calculate?
> Eytan
> Eytan Fichman
> In a message dated 4/12/2008 1:24:07 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
> writes:
> Dear All,

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