Re: [Cz-L] czernowitz language use

From: frieda tabak <>
Date: Sun, 06 Jan 2008 08:01:25 -0800 (PST)
To: Rachel Cylus <>,
Reply-to: frieda tabak <>

Dear Rachel,

Good luck with your thesis.

Although I was born in Bessarabia, I spent a great deal of time
in CZ because my uncle lived there and my mother always liked to
go shopping in the Grossstadt, the big city. We also ended up
spending the war years there. My father was from
Bessarabia,spoke Yiddish, Russian, Hebrew, Romanian, Ruthenian.
My mother was fr"om Cz and spoke German. The German speaking
Jewish "intelligentia" considered themselves superior to those
speaking Yiddish, and my mother did not waste any opportunity to
tell my father how much better she was. Romanian was used very
little. It had to be tought in school but, in daily life, was
almost ignored.

If I can be on any help to you, feel free to call me.


Rachel Cylus <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am Rachel Cylus, a student at the Johns Hopkins University
> in
> Baltimore, MD. I am writing my senior history thesis on
> language use in
> interwar Czernowitz. I am most interested in the spheres in
> which Yiddish
> or German were used. I am looking for any information about
> how language
> was effected by romanianization or by political and social
> interactions
> within the Jewish community. I have done quite a bit of
> secondary research,
> but would be eager to hear anything people have to say,
> especially personal
> stories or perspectives.
> Thanks,
> Rachel
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