Czernowitzers: This from Hedwig concerning language came to me
personally but obviously was meant for the list:
Here a little bit of my opinions about the languages in
Czernowitz..Yes it is an dialect and Prof.Zaber from a german
university wrote some books about the different dialects of the german
language. In Czernowitz the "Roscher Schwaben" has their dialect, the
"Zipzer"in the Dobrogea, they were fisherman, have their dialect and
spoke otherwise,
and finally the"Sachsen"from Transilvania having and other dialect...
I spoke with my parents also with my grandparents german, car my
grandmother was from Leipzig, my grandfather from"Klokuczka", his
parents were"Ackersjuden",the mother of my grandfather was from
Galicia" and my father from Vatra Dornei, Suedbukowina.../I remember
now a evergreen in my youth:
"Meine Mama stammt aus Yoklohama, aus Paris stammt mein Papa"
I was born on the end of the WW1,in Czernowitz, so I am able to give
you more details, than others, who were born in the 30.ies.
I attended the primary-school Comenius", it was a german private
school, math, sciences, history, were in german (it was a history for
small children) only we learned also rumanian, as language.
The famous israelian philosopher Ben-Chorin, said:"From your homeland
you can be through out, from your mather language never (He was
originary from Berlin)
Now, a short story about language:
I went to a roumanian high-school, a rumanian university for one year,
after WW2 I lived for 40 years in the heard of Roumania,
Ploiesti...and till now, I am going in the 90th, when I must add 47 to
89 I will do it in german...
Once upon the time, it was in the late 80s, last century, I went with
my late husband from London in an organised trip for 3 days to
Scotland, by bus..At the meals we stayed on tables for ten persons and
everyone told from which country he was...We were the singles from
Israel. the others were from different part of USA, Hungary, Germany.
When the row came to me I told them, that I came from Israel. An
english lady, oppsite me looked at me, asking, but before Israel,
where did you live? I answered frankly that I came from Roumania to
Israel.....May be, you are telling the truth, but your accent is a
german accent...your mother language must be german,,,,I am linguist,
so I recognised immediatly your german accent.!!!And the elderly
couple from USA, next to us, said to me in my ear:"We are jewish too"
My english is bad enought, excuse me!
Hedwig Brenner, Haifa.
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